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Help, they updated me from 2007 to 2016

Started by Robert K S, April 11, 2019, 07:07:22 PM

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Robert K S

I use Visio for patent drawings.  After a few years of getting used to all the quirks of 2007 (i.e., pre-ribbon) Visio, now I have a whole new set of challenges.  My first unpleasant surprise came when, instead of Ctrl+W restoring to a centered whole-page view, it turned my screen white for no reason.  (I guess the shortcut is now Ctrl+Shift+W.  Any way to customize keyboard shortcuts in Visio 2016?)

In the old version I could have buttons for every feature and tool that I used on the screen at once.  Now I have to go hunt for them.  All right, but now I can't even find what I'm looking for on the ribbon.  Where are the drawing tools (rectangle/elipse/line/curve/freehand/pencil)?

I guess what I'm asking is if there are any good tutorial videos designed for older users of Visio to help us bring our workflow up to speed with the new(ish) version.


Quote from: Robert K S on April 11, 2019, 07:07:22 PMMy first unpleasant surprise came when, instead of Ctrl+W restoring to a centered whole-page view, it turned my screen white for no reason.  (I guess the shortcut is now Ctrl+Shift+W.  Any way to customize keyboard shortcuts in Visio 2016?)
Please try Alt+W+F

Just press Alt key, and in ribbon you can see next key underlined
Quote from: Robert K S on April 11, 2019, 07:07:22 PMIn the old version I could have buttons for every feature and tool that I used on the screen at once.  Now I have to go hunt for them.  All right, but now I can't even find what I'm looking for on the ribbon. 
You can use Search Tool

Quote from: Robert K S on April 11, 2019, 07:07:22 PMWhere are the drawing tools (rectangle/elipse/line/curve/freehand/pencil)?
You can find all drawing tools in Home tab

And also old hotkeys for drawing tools not changed !
Ctrl+1 - Pointer tool
Ctrl+2 - Text tool
Ctrl+3 - Connector tool
Ctrl+4 - Pencil tool
Ctrl+5 - Freeform tool
Ctrl+6 - Line tool
Ctrl+7 - Arc tool
Ctrl+8 - Rectangle tool
Ctrl+9 - Ellipse tool

Robert K S

It used to be I could paste a bitmap onto a page in Visio, trace over the bitmap with shapes to draw my line drawing, and then drag the bitmap just off the page so that it would still be within the file for future reference, but would not print or bake to PDF with the page.   Now, drawing the bitmap off the page seems only to make the page bigger to be inclusive of the off-page bitmap.  Is there some way to turn this feature off?

Paul Herber

Annoying isn't it! Right-click on the page tab, select Page Setup, select the Page Size tab and choose a paper size.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Robert K S

Aha!  The default was "Let Visio expand the page as needed."  It appears there is also an "Auto Size" button in the Page Setup group of the Design tab that toggles the same setting.  Thanks, Paul.

ETA: Using this method I would have to go and de-select Auto Size for each page in each legacy file.  There is the beginning of an attempt here to permanently disable Auto Size in the following macro, but I'm not sure how to (a) make the macro so that it steps through each page to disable Auto Size for every page and/or (b) make the macro so that it disables Auto Size for each new page created in every new (or old) document.  Any suggestions?

Public Sub DisablePageAutoSize()
    ActivePage.AutoSize = False
End Sub

ETA: Here's another thread (visited by Visio Guy, I see) that addresses this problem (also initiated by a patent attorney for whom this change presented an annoyance) and which provides a macro that iterates through all pages of all VSD files in a directory.  It has a few lines which seem helpful, and which can be rearranged into the following macro code that iterates through every page:

Dim docObj As Visio.Document
Dim PagObj As Visio.Page
Set docObj = ActiveDocument
For Each PagObj In docObj.Pages
   PagObj.AutoSize = False
next PagObj

I still don't know enough about VBA macros in Visio to make this macro globally available to every VSD document that I work on in Visio.

ETA: Here is a thread on this forum where the problem was discussed and it seems as if for some users the page size changed for some pages even upon opening a legacy file.

Visio Guy

For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Paul Herber

It's fine, as long as it's not the default!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Robert K S

Is it really the case that Auto Size has to be manually turned off for every single new or legacy page?

Even worse is that you have to turn it off before the page is ever auto-resized, because if you turn it off after an auto-resize, it won't automatically resize back to the intended page dimensions after deactivating Auto Size.

Hey Ken


   Ahhh!  I just got bitten by the auto resize bug!  (Uh...  Pardon me, "feature".) 

   Agreed; it's evil.  So I devised a VBA solution that I see is not mentioned here, so now it is:

ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("DrawingResizeType").Formula = 2

   Does the same thing as "ActivePage.AutoSize = False", I see, only less obviously.  And yep, it has to be done page by page.  What a pain!

   - Ken

Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story

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