Stencils Created in Earlier Versions of Visio Not Displaying Properly--Text Box

Started by jrose, July 21, 2017, 09:15:29 PM

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I have created over 3,000 stencils for our designers over the years.  Many of the stencils have text.  A text box outline appears around every group of text now when dragged onto a blank Visio 2016 drawing.  Has anyone had this issue?  Am I going to need to go into each of the 3,000 or so stencils and manually remove the text boxes?  In the attachment, there should be no text box outlines.
Thank you in advance!


You can try change text boxes style's properties. In Visio 2016 you cant find Style button on ribbon tabs. But you can add that button to custom tab.

Also you can try create macro which change text boxes line format. And you must apply this for each shape, in each master and in each stencil


You can modify codes which can find in this thread of our russian-speaking visio forum:
How to programmatically replace the value of a cell Size in the ShapeSheet
This code modify Line Patterns for all shapes which have text in all masters in single stencil (external vss-file, blahblah.vss)
Sub a()
Dim mst As Master, doc As Document
    Set doc = Application.Documents.Open("D:\OneDrive\MyShapes\blahblah.vss")
    For Each mst In doc.Masters
        TxtChange mst.Shapes
    Next mst
End Sub

Sub TxtChange(ByVal shps As Shapes)
   Dim sh As Shape, s As String
   For Each sh In shps
       If sh.Shapes.Count <> 0 Then TxtChange sh.Shapes
       If Len(sh.Text) > 0 Then sh.Cells("LinePattern") = "0"
   Next sh
End Sub


Quote from: jrose on July 21, 2017, 09:15:29 PM
I have created over 3,000 stencils for our designers over the years.  Many of the stencils have text.  A text box outline appears around every group of text now when dragged onto a blank Visio 2016 drawing.  Has anyone had this issue?  Am I going to need to go into each of the 3,000 or so stencils and manually remove the text boxes?  In the attachment, there should be no text box outlines.
Thank you in advance!

To put the diagnosis correctly, we need to see the drawing (vss/vsd files) that has this problem, not the pictures. Please upload.


My 2 cents: it is probably a matter of styles and designs. Checking to what style the shapes belong and changing these styles to "no line" should correct the problem.
The shapesheet does unfortunately not show to which style a shape belongs, but VBA does. Was thinking about a small tool to unhide this information ... will see if I can find the time for it.

Meanwhile jrose may control the styles manually or upload files as Nikolay suggested.



@surrogate, what we did for the 2013 problem was revert back to the Visio everyone was used to.  This is an automatic update that we have to use.


As I don't have a newer version, I can only ask...
Before you drag and drop any shapes from a stencil, what if you re-save the stencil with new file format, vssx.  Then close everything, and re-open with new stencil?  Doubt that it makes a difference, but worth a try I think.

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