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EMF or WMF import issue

Started by, April 18, 2016, 08:14:40 PM

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I was wondering if anyone has run into a resolution issue with Visio 2016.  We are previously 2007 users and import EMF or WMF files with clear resolution.  When using Visio 2016 the line resolution is now lost (low res).  Anyone have suggestions for these types of image files?



I am using Visio2016 pro for Office 365.
I tested for EMS and VGS, simple rectangle made in Visio and saved as EMF or SVG.
But they looks clear resolution to me.
For both insert image and open image file.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


It seems that EMF has problems with Visio 2013/2016, SVG is fine.

Just asked very recently:

Thanks for the suggestions.  I tried an AutoCAD to SVG converter but I'm not getting the desired results.  I lose drawing detail in the conversion. I was using Amethist CADwizz to convert these drawings to emf. or wmf. while maintaining resolution.


Visio has menu to insert AutoCad dwg or dxf file.
Did you try them?
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Yes, it's just a more cumbersome process for us.  It also involves trial and error unless you know of a good method to go about it. 

Paul Herber

Resurecting an old thread, but I've just been testing SVG and EMF import in Visio 2016 and both seem fine in the latest version. (16.0.9029.2167) 64-bit.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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