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Cut & Paste issue into word

Started by martyjward, December 01, 2015, 10:43:59 AM

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Having a bit of an odd one here.

I have a visio diagram, with my connectors all glued to ponts on shapes all nicely.  when I move shapes around the conectors all strech and change as expected.  However when I paste into word (as an image) one, not all, of my conectors pastes differently - the elbow chnages, totally runing my diagram.

I have tried deleting the conector and re-creating it. pastign as different types of image in Word through Paste as...

Anyone any ideas whct I can do to stop this happening?

Example attached (Visio at the top, word at the bottom)

Paul Herber

Have you tried saving the Visio file as an image and then pasting the image into Word?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Just tried pasting into paint, and I have the same issue.

My examples we caputured using snipping tool.

I have embeded the entire VISIO diagram in word and the embeded drawing is out of line as well, I can then tidy the embeded object up, so I have a work around.  As you can imagine this makes the word doument a lot larger than necessary so finding a solution to paste as an image would be best, especially as the document is going to be emailed.


pasting as an image (bmp, jpg, etc.) loses all visio smarts, you have to paste as a visio object so that OLE can handle it.
al edlund

Bald Eagle

[PrntScr] copies the screen to the clipboard _exactly_ as you see it.
Do a Print Preview to get your drawing to fill the screen, screenshot it, and then you can paste, edit, crop, etc.

I usually use IrfanView as a lightweight image handler for doing quick paste - crop - save sequences.
Anything else can be used for more advanced editing.  I find Paint.Net to be user-friendly, and have dabbled some with Inkscape as well.


Quote from: Bald Eagle on December 01, 2015, 03:36:48 PM
[PrntScr] copies the screen to the clipboard _exactly_ as you see it.
Do a Print Preview to get your drawing to fill the screen, screenshot it, and then you can paste, edit, crop, etc.

I usually use IrfanView as a lightweight image handler for doing quick paste - crop - save sequences.
Anything else can be used for more advanced editing.  I find Paint.Net to be user-friendly, and have dabbled some with Inkscape as well.

Guess you have hide all the guide lines first, or stick a white filled box behined the daigram/


Quote from: Paul Herber on December 01, 2015, 11:11:10 AM
Have you tried saving the Visio file as an image and then pasting the image into Word?

Saving as a PNG or JPEG works, so I have a couple of options - thanks guys.

Shame it just dosen't work how you would expect though


Try ctrl-a to select everything, then press "never route". This should keep the connectors from finding "better" routes.
Not sure how to describe where to find it. Forgot where it was in V2007 and nearly impossible in V2013 :(.


Quote from: Yacine on December 01, 2015, 10:00:24 PM
Try ctrl-a to select everything, then press "never route". This should keep the connectors from finding "better" routes.
Not sure how to describe where to find it. Forgot where it was in V2007 and nearly impossible in V2013 :(.

After a quick google I found Never Route.  You have to turn on developer first then Developer Tab > Behavior > Connector Tab & change the Reroute option there (to Never as sugested).  Can not find aywhere this can be set as a default.

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