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help request with Visio 2013 - shape test

Started by Paul Herber, November 13, 2015, 04:09:47 PM

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Paul Herber

Could someone with Visio 2013 please test the attached .vsx file for me, drop the two shapes in the VSX file onto a blank page (a P&ID page would be ideal if you have Visio 2013 Pro). The shapes should look like those in the attached PNG file. Do they or do they fall apart?
Many thanks.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Paul Herber

Ah, um, thanks Al.
The shapes work fine in Visio 2007 and 2010. Any idea why they might go wrong in 2013?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi Paul,
In both masters PinY was not recalculated.
Where a value of Height(6mm)/2 should have shown 3mm, there was 12,..
Editing the field without actually modifying it, got the right value back and corrected the position of the subshape.
This modification was possible in both the drawing and the stencil.
But the stencil made Visio crash every time I tried to save it.
So I created a new stencil and saved it. cf attachment.
I speculate that you used some code to generate the masters and did not properly update them ???

HTH some how,

PS: Saved the VSX as VSS and then back to VSX. Could not reproduce any failures.

Paul Herber

Many thanks, Yacine. I can't open the .vssx file, even though I'm sure I have the Visio 2013 compatability pack installed.
Do the attached shapes fix the problem?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Your shapes are fine now, although the display in the stencil is not right yet.

Paul Herber

Ah, many thanks indeed. I wonder if this is a bug in Visio 2013?
Width = 4mm
Height = GUARD(Width)
I don't know why the height is being set like this but changing to 4mm and locking the aspect ratio instead seems to fix the problem.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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