Print of 24 Pages spits out some empty Pages.

Started by novski, July 28, 2015, 03:05:30 PM

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Im concidering differen't problems with printing and don't know where to sort them.

I printed a huge file (.vsdx - 15MB - 3 Pages) and got the full page but without any of the half transparent shapes in it.. i found a workaround to export the file as .XPS and print that, what works. but...
I printed a different huge file with (.vsd - 38MB - 24 Pages) and got 4 Random Pages (pagenr. 14/18/20/21/23) that came out almost empty. All that whas printed was the Visio Background of the Page. If i reopen the file and print those pages they come out of the printer as they sould..

Visio 2013 pro , 32bit, 15.0.4711.1000, Systeminfo says: 15.0.4569.1506 - don't know what to beleve...

Any hints are verry apreciated.

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