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2010 Isert Picture Failure

Started by clif schmidt, April 03, 2015, 06:29:00 PM

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clif schmidt

When I use Insert > Picture my Visio 2010 stops working and I have to close/restart the program. I can Insert > Clip Art, Chart, and CAD Drawing without any problem. In the "View Details" dialog box I show the following:  HELP!!!!!
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   VISIO.EXE
  Application Version:   14.0.6022.1000
  Application Timestamp:   4d6eacd6
  Fault Module Name:   unknown
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   00000000
  Exception Code:   c000001d
  Exception Offset:   00000000
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033

Additional information about the problem:
  LCID:   1033
  skulcid:   1033


My guess would be that Visio crashes when it tries to open a "Open File" dialog.

That can be caused by some third-party Shell extension (a program which adds item to a right-click menu in explorer or some custom location, etc)
I would recommend you to check if you have such programs.


How large is the file size of the picture?

What format is it?

Have you tried copy / paste special?  Or just copy / paste?

Visio 2019 Pro


Maybe we have a misunderstanding here..
Did I get it right, Visio crashes the moment you click the "Insert Picture" menu item? I.e. you don't even have a chance to choose a picture ("Open File" dialog to select it is never shown). Or?


Good point Nikolay, I took it to mean the next step of actually doing the insert.

Is the V2010 config different from V2007, I mean, besides the ribbon.  V2007:  Insert>{Picture or Text Box or CAD Drawing or Control, etc}  Choosing Picture gives a PopUp menu with 4 choices.  So, the Insert functionality sounds different in V2010.

But, seems odd that Visio would hang by merely selecting an option without invoking execution of that option.

Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: wapperdude on April 03, 2015, 09:50:55 PM
But, seems odd that Visio would hang by merely selecting an option without invoking execution of that option.

I have seen similar behavior when you have some specific third-party shell extension installed, which (for example) adds some virtual drives/folders, or alike..
I.e. it was not Visio crashing, it was that Explorer extension crashing when Visio tried to show "Open File" system dialog in this case (which is actually delegated to shell).
Or maybe there is some custom "preview" (thumbnail) extension for some odd picture format; and then this thing is crashing.

Anyways, the easiest approach could be be to uninstall everything which may have installed such integration.
If Visio is crashing on selecting "Insert Picture" of course, i.e. before this "Open File" dialog shows up..

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