Visio 2010 Off-Page Reference connector Dialog Box

Started by ragardner, February 06, 2014, 01:30:59 PM

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When I drag the off-page reference connector from the Basic Flowchart shapes template to the drawing page, the dialog box does not appear, preventing me from entering page link info. I've searched high and low for a setting within the product and via google for advice, with no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, bob g

Paul Herber

First of all check that Automation Events are enabled.
File -> Options -> Advanced -> General section.
If that's ok then look in the Addins section, see if any addins have been disabled.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Paul - thanks a million - it worked. I would have never found the setting you indicated. Thanks again !@

Paul Herber

It shouldn't get turned off, this is so often the reason for  certain functionality not working. I often wonder if there is some other action that turns this off.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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