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Line/shape exists on the page, but disappears when printing?

Started by spyrule, July 15, 2013, 03:36:29 PM

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Hey guys,

I searched but couldn't find an answer to this...

I've got a network rack server diagram with network call outs. I've got a segment that is present on the actual edit page,
but when I go to print preview it disappears and it does not print out.

This happened on another line, and I erased, and re-drew it and it started to re-appear.  However, I would rather find the cause then re-do my work whenever this happens.

I've attached an image with an example of the actual problem...  This is with a rectangle shape, but this also happened with a point-to-point line as well.

Any help/suggestions is welcome!

Thank you in advance



are they assigned to a layer that is flagged to not print. Display the page layers and check for any that are set to not print.


Also this shape may be flagged as non-printing shape


No, I wasn't actively using layers, but here's what they were set to...

Where do you set an object as not printable ?

Paul Herber

Ribbon -> Developer -> Behavior -> Non printing shape
Is there a shortcut key that controls this perhaps that you are doing accidentally?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Paul Herber on July 15, 2013, 05:17:00 PM
Ribbon -> Developer -> Behavior -> Non printing shape
Is there a shortcut key that controls this perhaps that you are doing accidentally?

Yup, that worked.  It seems as though using the default rectangle shape (ctrl-8) seems to be created with this option enabled.  >:(

Is there a way to disable this in general in visio?  Why in the hell would you use a shape that cannot be printed by default?  :-\

while writing this, I did a little more digging, and it seems as though I've used a shape (most likely from one of my server vendors), that had this option set, and because I've used that shape it is now defaulted to being turned on.

Which is both odd, and annoying.  :(

Paul Herber

That is very odd, and certainly shouldn't be the default!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Just to clarify,  If I open a new visio file, this issue doesn't happen.

I suspect it's some of HP's visio stencils.


A little further information... it seems as though this ONLY happens when I group items together. I can check each element prior to grouping and all is ok, each item is not locked or set to not print. However, as soon as I group that setting gets set, and I have to manually go and uncheck it each time I group items.

Quite frustrating...



Here is a very trimmed down version. For obvious reasons I cannot show the actual rack content, but the important part still occurs.

If you notice the red rounded box with several RJ-45 ports inside (besides the KVM port list box), it is currently grouped and shows the problem. If you ungroup it, the problem disappears, and if you re-group again, it comes back.

I'm truely not sure what is causing this (to be fair, I didn't create this file originally, so it could be a carry forward setting of some kind).


i look at your attachment. in RJ-45 group i find shapes which assignet in few layers, an some of them was "Non printing shape" ! This macro makes all shapes non-"Non printing shapes"
Sub a()
    Dim sh As Visio.Shape
    Dim pg As Visio.Page
    Dim coll As New Collection

    For Each pg In ThisDocument.Pages
        For Each sh In pg.Shapes
            If sh.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
                Recursion sh.Shapes, coll
            End If
            coll.Add sh
        Next sh
    Next pg
    For Each sh In coll
        sh.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowMisc, visNonPrinting).FormulaForceU = "False"
    Next sh
End Sub
Sub Recursion(ByVal shps As Visio.Shapes, coll As Collection)
    Dim sh As Visio.Shape
    For Each sh In shps
        If sh.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
            Recursion sh.Shapes, coll 'çäåñü ïðîèñõîäèò âûçîâ ñàìîé ñåáÿ
        End If
        coll.Add sh
    Next sh
End Sub

Thanks to 9rey for recursion macro :)


Thank you Surrogate,

That does help, but it only seems to fix the items that are already grouped. Once I un-group and re-group the issue returns. I'm guessing their isn't a way to fix the underlying shapes that were used in the first place ?

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