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locked bend shape handles

Started by sdaspenberg, October 11, 2012, 08:52:56 PM

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I realized I should have started this thread under the Visio 2013 issues heading. So my apologies for that. So this is a continuation from my posts under the visio 2013 issues topic. The connect website doesn't list visio 2013 for reporting bugs. At least not that I could find.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else encountered this problem. I've turned on the "Show more shape handles on hover" feature in options. I hover over a line, and the extra handle appears in the middle between the two vertices. The problem is when I try to drag the handle. As soon as I realse the mouse button, the handle snaps back to its original position. No matter if it's an arc, a freeform line, or a straight line. They all seem to do the same thing. It seems that position is locked. I checked the protection menu and everything is turned off. Also some more info, I'm running visio 2013 on windows 8 enterprise 90 day trial. Maybe I should try it on windows 7 to see if that makes a difference.

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