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Creating 3D Network Diagrams in Visio

Started by sgaucher, September 30, 2010, 06:22:32 PM

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I was pretty new with 3D shape or isometric! I try to find some solution with google and I can't find any information or just few of them! Here what I try to do regarding the 2 pictures I attach to this post!

  • How to create a 3D rectagle like the picture to delemit some part of my network?
  • How to use the proper piping?

Also for your information, I use Visio 2003 at the client office and 2010 at my work!

thanks in advance for your help!


this may help...rt click


here is what I do with those shapes


#3 can get alot of iso shapes from

Visio Guy

Nice work vojo! That's worth a screenshot for the lazy. (I added the title in the PowerPoint slide)

For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


thanks for kind words....alot of credit goes to June...I took his stuff and built off that


Thanks for the help, but how do you make your gray square under diagram?


square is intelligent....if any dimension is 0, that geometry is turned off.....3D iso goes to 2D 2D iso, can round corners using standard visio tools.
Rt click to set lighting source and whether focused (becon) or diffused....colors will offset based on settings   (you pick green and it will adjust the shades in the various faces and show reflection of the light).

this also might help....rt click / double click


Sorry for my misunderstood, but how it is possible to turn on the geometry? I'm not a power user of Visio, I used a lot in the pass few years ago but I loose a lot of parts I guess!

I also use Visio 2003 at the office and to complicate the thing, it was in french so I need to find where the stuff are! I use english version before!

Thanks for the piping, it will be very usefull! Could you make the samething with this rectangle in 3D?


double click.....put non zero values in X, Y, Z fields to "turn on" those geometries
(Scale...scales all dimensions  scale = 0.5    X=10mm but shown as 5mm.....ignored here for brevity all the trig involved).

Square and cylinders are most developed...others are work in progress (since not used much)

Works on claims for 2007/2010


3D iso rectangle  =   width = 20mm   hieght = 18.3mm....depth 12.3333333 mm

2D iso rectangle  =   width = 7.6666mm   height = 3mm       or    height = 5mm  depth = 10mm     or    width = 15mm   depth = 5mm

use 2D/3D to build bigger / complex shapes

Almost like the cube is really a lego....use many of them to build something bigger.
(not quite Legos since shape to shape attachment is only for 1 per shape....even if multiple connection points least I could not get that to work for me)

Note, I do have manifolds (Iso 2D where you can curve the edges as well as corners...think sails on a ship)....let me know if you need them.


Quote from: vojo on October 01, 2010, 07:12:58 PM
double click.....put non zero values in X, Y, Z fields to "turn on" those geometries
(Scale...scales all dimensions  scale = 0.5    X=10mm but shown as 5mm.....ignored here for brevity all the trig involved).

Square and cylinders are most developed...others are work in progress (since not used much)

Works on claims for 2007/2010

Thank you very much Vojo for your help!

Propably we don't discuss about the samething, because when I double click on the rectangle, the only thing I can do is to enter text into the rectangle! I can show the possition box and see the x, y, height, width, angle and axle possition! I can't see the Z and the depth option!

Thanks again,


You need to do this with my shapes....NOT any old rectangle

My shapes are NOT part of any standard visio stencil or are NOT subject to standard drawing tools in visio
( can NOT make  shape with iso behaviors by using a drawing can make a static iso shape - fixed dimensions and ratios -  but any changes requires manual copy/redraw).


Quote from: vojo on October 05, 2010, 01:31:19 PM
You need to do this with my shapes....NOT any old rectangle

My shapes are NOT part of any standard visio stencil or are NOT subject to standard drawing tools in visio
( can NOT make  shape with iso behaviors by using a drawing can make a static iso shape - fixed dimensions and ratios -  but any changes requires manual copy/redraw).

Great, sorry for my slow learning about this! I was confuse but now I try it and know now how it could be build!

Thank you very much for your help! I will work with this and try to learn how now I can build a complete 3D netwotk diagram.

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