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You can create a two tone border within the same (non-group shape!)

Started by Visisthebest, September 12, 2023, 12:58:33 PM

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You do not have completely free choice of which two color tones to use, but this is actually possible with a non-group shape.

The puzzle for you is how, hint: it is actually quite simple, I just did not expect this setting to have this effect on a line, but now it is quite obvious.


- The line must be around a rectangle.

- The thickness of the 'lines' must be exactly the same for the two color tones.

- If you are able to achieve this with line gradients I am very impressed (could be doable not sure, then you can choose from all colors), but it is much more simple than this.

Visio 2021 Professional




I will keep this as a puzzle to solve, but if anyone actually needs the solution to use I will post the answer here.

In the mean time, who can solve this conundrum? A single Visio shape does not allow lines to have more than one color (if gradients are off), so how can you create a two color tone line (half the line width one color, half the line width another color)?

(also, I am not using line patterns)

Visio 2021 Professional


Visio 2019 Pro


Yes, but there are some limitations in terms of the color tones you can use.

And I use it with the two tone color lines each being equally thick no white space in between, that may be a limitation as well of this approach.
Visio 2021 Professional






There is a story of a shorter post  :)
"In 1862, while on vacation, Victor Hugo wanted to know the readers' reaction to his newly published novel "Les Misérables."
He sent his publisher a telegram with just one character: "?".
In response, his publisher sent back a telegram with just one character: "!"."


Quote from: Visisthebest on September 14, 2023, 07:24:06 AM
Yes, but there are some limitations in terms of the color tones you can use.

And I use it with the two tone color lines each being equally thick no white space in between, that may be a limitation as well of this approach.
If you try to eliminate the white space, the colors tend to bleed together.  Somewhat tempermental.  The look is cleaner with white space.  3 lines are possible too, but takes much finesse and patience.  Some color combinations are not as expected.
Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: Yacine on September 14, 2023, 08:41:27 AM
I can hardly stand the suspense.

It's a girl.

P.S.  I'm not posting the Visio file...yet.  Will let Visisthebest do that.  Its his puzzle.
Visio 2019 Pro




Would still prefer line patterns.
Too limited in its applications.
Note the uneven width distribution on the vertical and horizontal lines.

@Wayne, you can prevent bleeding by setting up areas and do an abrupt change with two very close points.


Yacine I assume you did this with gradients with sudden stops very impressive, I use something else which limits the choice of color tones but the lines are exactly equal.
Visio 2021 Professional


Looks cool. But can you do it for a connector, i.e. make a two-colored connector, or a striped one?
Without using the line patterns?


Quote from: Nikolay on September 15, 2023, 09:39:33 AM
Looks cool. But can you do it for a connector, i.e. make a two-colored connector, or a striped one?
Without using the line patterns?
Not with my solution.
It's anyway just an exercise, not a serious alternative to line patterns.

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