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Visio Users Introduce Yourselves!

Started by davidoff, January 11, 2009, 07:27:23 PM

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I'm Bruce, a systems/sustainability engineer in Atlanta. I have worked in IT for almost thirty years, mostly with the big server hardware companies and resellers and have been using Visio for about half that time.  I use Visio to build proposed and as-built systems diagrams.  I use a lot of shapes from visiocafe.

I have been working lately with the external data feature, tieing data from an Excel spreadsheet to IT systems components in the drawings and then saving them as web pages.

I've hit some walls and will be posting descriptions and seeking some help.

"In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they rarely are."
sample of my work:


Hi My name is Jen.  My husband uses Visio for work.  When he has a problem he asks me for help.  I've never used visio.  it's very frustrating.  i'm excited about this bulletin board and you will probably see me periodically asking questions.  thanks for any help you can provide.  i currently hate visio...with a little more instruction i may love it.  we'll see.


Hello All from New Jersey, USA!

I'm somewhat new to Visio and using the 2007 version. I work for Metaplan as an IT/Graphics/Logistics manager. I've been tasked with importing a sound profile into Visio and after Googling extensively found one thread on this site that discussed that. I'd sure appreciate help from anyone that can further assist me with this quest!

If you check out the Metaplan website I bet you will be able to guess how we use Visio!  ;)


Jake here, working as a Graphic Designer/Training Developer in the nuclear industry... was thrown into Visio with no previous experience with the program when I started here but have come to love it.  Looking forward to learning as much as I can from these threads and gaining knowledge and experience from this site


Hello Everyone,

I am Ricky Phillips from Arab, Alabama (small town about 20 miles south of Huntsville, AL).  I use my visio program almost daily and have since about 1995 or so.  I am now the Fire Chief here in Arab and use the program for drawing pre-incident drawings of buildings, drawings of fire scenes and during investigations.  I have tried many different programs for diagrams and drawings and have always come back to visio!

I love this site so far!  I have found several useful post already.  Thank you to everyone for their info!  It's all great.

Ricky Phillips
Arab, AL

"Everyone Goes Home"


Hey Everyone!  I'm Tracy Black, for the past 10 years I've been a network & systems admin for the City of Va Beach.  My job has morphed the past few months due to budget cuts and now I'm kind of in the same boat as Nuketrain.  I had to learn Visio fast and on my own in order to hit the ground running creating custom floor plans for our computer replacement  program, but now folks outside my dept. are coming to me with their wish lists and so far I've been able to deliver some pretty amazing stuff and I've gotten help along the way from this site!  Thanks youse guys!


Hi I'm Dave from Cirencester in England.

Have been using Visio as a visual reporting system - creating drawings from databases for racks, networks, itil service maps etc. It's a bit different when you have hundreds of diagrams to create, maintain and update so we are heavily into diagram automation where possible.




I am totally new to Visio and am trying to create my first network diagram with Visio 2010 Professional.
Probably come back for assistance.


Hi everyone,

I'm trainmam, should have been 'trainman' but can't get everything right !  :D

I have been using Visio since the early 1990's, right through from version 1 to 5 ( the versions before Microsoft bought the original designer company out), finally bought and settled with MS Visio 2003.

I am retired and are currently occupying my spare time, on a personal basis, in designing graphic images for a group model railway program to augment the look of the layout.

Up until recently, I have only used Visio in doing drawings and presentation documents in, one might say, simplistic terms, only now have I begun to use Visio for more artistic images (and realising my own artistic potential, not that any of my images would be exhibited in the Tate gallery).  :D

I am sure I will need some help in the graphics field, hence joining this forum.




Hey, I'm Schwabe and using Visio in my mobile app design workflow to present UI sequences and export them to PDF.



I work in London, having done various aspects of server IT for twenty years.

I'm a relatively newcomer to Visio, professionally at any rate - making Dungeon Floorplans for my son doesn't really count!

I'll try not to annoy with too many questions - I've already managed to discover three bugs in my first week  :o


Hi guys i'm Chris, also from rainy Hampshire, i'm not an engineer, nor an electrician. i use visio for crime scene mapping, absolutely brill for this.


Hello, live in Norfolk UK - work mainly in London.  I'm a presales engineer to a large telco. Cheers, Rob. (age 37).


Well, I'm Tomas, living in Sweden, Boras 70km east of Gothenburg

Been using Viso since V3, I think, now on 2k10.

Working mainly with designing larger Refrigeration systems and using Visio to create Schematic diagrams/PID.

Have been customizing Visio heavily so I now basically have an automated design and simulation tool for these systems.

Also using Visio for anything else, where AutoCad/Inventor is to heavy.
my sites:


gday, I am Cliff from down under

33 yrs in telecommunications industry broadband transmission area. I found Visio could document a Network in a way that pen and paper could not. The visualisation of data  creates a model of a telecommunication network that some may call a flight simulator.

Found  a way in the VBA environment to download config data from real Network nodes and display the results in the vector environment ,  desktop radar on a teleco network.

I also do caricatures and found visio to be an excellant environment to explore animation and 3D rotationals  and create on the fly drawings from base data.

Cheers !

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