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Moving multiple connection lines without loosing connection

Started by TwoBeAss, September 29, 2022, 10:13:34 AM

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another thing i am struggeling with is moving multiple connection lines.
If i select one line i got this tiny (ms should triple the size) little blue handles to rearrange the route. But what if i need to move a couple of lines out of the way to make space for other things ? If i mark them alltogether and move them, they are all loosing their connections to the shapes...

I hope that there is a workaround for this...


That is normal behavior for your multiple self tion case.  Visio thinks you're trying to move the entire connectors.

In not at my computer so I can't say with certainty, but something like this ought to work...  With the pencil tool selected, move it over a connector and a blue point should appear.  If so, go find a point on the connector and click select it.  From hence forth, hold down the shift key and click select each point you want to move.  You ought to be able to continue the process for each additional connector.  After all nodes selected, press the left mouse key and drag these segments to where you'd like.

An alternative scheme would be to use the association selection tool to grab the points you want.

Visio 2019 Pro


joining the question

Good afternoon! This is what has been bothering me for quite some time and I can not find the answer.
The screenshot is an example of a common situation when I need to combine lines into a bunch. Next, I need to move the entire beam by the blue dots with a slight movement of my hand.

I will explain right away that the containers at the ends of the cables must be left in their places. Making one line and just adding tails at the ends will not suit me, since each line contains information in itself for a cable report (macro). My macro is based on fillable data for each line, so I need them all. But dragging the blue dots on each of them... you know..

p.s. sorry for bad en)


In some CAD tools, you can select a fragment(s) of line(s), (like, some "dots" on the connector line somewhere in the middle of the connector) and move just that fragment, with the rest of the connector(s) rebuilding itself as you move.
Useful when moving "buses" (bunches of lines) for example in some engineering or schematic drawing tools. It seems that this feature simply does not exist in Visio.
It looks like you cannot even select "multiple dots on the connector line" in Visio (i.e. select a "fragment of a connector")?


Did you not try using the pencil tool?  Select the connector, then hover the tool over it.  Inflection points should appear.  Left click on the point, move to next inflection point, then <shift>  +  click to add additional point to selection.  It's same technique as selecting vertices of a rectangle.   I know this works for lines.  Thought it did for connectors, too.
Visio 2019 Pro


I was unable to select multiple points on a connector... Does it work for you?


Unfortunately no... it doesn't work. Tried your advice. Is there really no such function? so weird)


Finally had a chance to fail my advice.  So it's "no, cannot move multiple nodes" on a dynamic connector.

Even if you could, the embedded code would easily regenerate routing as it prefers with some drawing change.  He dynamic connector needs to be red envisioned from the ground up.
Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

Could something be done by using an intermediate connection point? No time to check at the moment, and away/busy all weekend.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


WRT dynamic connectors... You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Visio 2019 Pro

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