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Dialogue balloons

Started by Yacine, May 29, 2022, 11:42:53 AM

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So, you probably did the right things during the ascension holidays.
I did not. Sent my family to friends and stayed home to enjoy the spare time by my own. That's fine if you have a meaningful project to finish ... if not ... well, you will have to set up something silly.
What about drawing funny dialogues?
What could I think of?
-          Monty Python – wonderfully silly
-          From the area of epic movies, what about Pulp Fiction?
-          What else? Shakespeare, Moliere? ... well ...
-          ...
It's not completely trivial to find dialogues on the internet. It takes a while.
I found Monty Python's Holy Grail on GitHub (
Kaggle helped with Pulp Fiction (

Anyhow. I played a little bit.
Colors, positionings, control points.
Thought about splitting the dialogs into sections, depending on the opponents involved.
Maybe some images in the actor shapes?
Some speech-balloon lines to the actors.
The possibilities are endless if you think about it.
How will it continue? It will not. The probability that someone with a real need for such a solution is too low. A cartoon artist, a theater director, etc.. And even then, there will very probably already be a proprietary software solution available.


Stuff involed?

  • The internet for the dialogues
  • An Excel file as dialogue
  • The Visio file, including the masters for the speech shapes and the actors
  • A Jupyter Notebook for processing the excel file and building the drawing.





Paul Herber

The Four Yorkshiremen could work well ...
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



A nice one indeed. Will try to find a proper data set.

Paul Herber

I do wonder how many people from outside the UK understand the nuances of The Four Yorkshiremen sketch, e.g. why Yorkshire, the social background, the accent, the other speech mannerisms ..
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Weren't those the chiefs who developed the famous, namesake pudding?
Visio 2019 Pro

hidden layer

Quote from: Paul Herber on May 29, 2022, 12:23:16 PM
why Yorkshire, the social background, the accent, the other speech mannerisms ..

I guess not everybody (even in UK) understands all nuances.

There are much more people that speaks (and understands) English as a 2nd language than vice versa.

But aside of manierism, accent etc it's very funny. Even if you don't understand completely the text is available in the web.

Once I heard that Germans were so successful in engineering because they can determine a specific issue more precisely than e.g. English. There could be a drop of truth in it. Every language has its advantages. Same with programming languages.

If you take a look at a sketch of "One Heart and One Soul" you have the same situation. Unfortunately there are no subtitles.

What about this?

But a nice idea anyway. rainy weekends have their own advantages ;)


Quote from: hidden layer on July 29, 2022, 08:07:08 AMWhat about this?
People are the same in all countries. I regularly have similar conversations with my wife (in Russian).  ;D
Quote from: hidden layer on July 29, 2022, 08:07:08 AMOnce I heard that Germans were so successful in engineering because they can determine a specific issue more precisely than e.g. English.
WOW! In Russian, in the phrase "I like beer," the words can go in any order (6 options).


from itertools import permutations
t = 'я пью пиво'
[print(' '.join(i)) for i in list(permutations(t.split()))]

я пью пиво
я пиво пью
пью я пиво
пью пиво я
пиво я пью
пиво пью я


Quote from: hidden layer on July 29, 2022, 08:07:08 AMOnce I heard that Germans were so successful in engineering because they can determine a specific issue more precisely than e.g. English. There could be a drop of truth in it. Every language has its advantages. Same with programming languages.

I've been told that latin is the most precise language.
Bibo cervisiam

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