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"Number Shapes" on the QAT

Started by landorsmith, June 09, 2022, 12:42:17 AM

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The 'Number Shapes' command is 4 sub-menus down the Tools menu.   I would like to create a new item in the Quick Access Toolbar (or some other convenient location) to invoke the 'Number Shapes' function


Quote from: landorsmith on June 09, 2022, 12:42:17 AM
I would like to create a new item in the Quick Access Toolbar (or some other convenient location)
Go to View -> Addons -> Visio Extras
Select item Number shapes and press right mouse button.
Select first row Add menu to Quick Access Toolbar in context menu.


Thanks. I tried that, but the "Add menu. . ." is greyed out. I am using Visio Professional on Office365.

See attached

Any suggestions on getting the "Number Shapes" directly on the QAT?


Quote from: landorsmith on June 09, 2022, 12:37:04 PM
I am using Visio Professional on Office365.
At my side - Visio 2019 Proffessional. Please check can you add to QAT some button from ribbon ?
Quote from: landorsmith on June 09, 2022, 12:37:04 PMAny suggestions on getting the "Number Shapes" directly on the QAT?
I know only hotkey: Alt+W+O+V+N...


Yes, I can add to the QAT from other buttons on the ribbon.

Paul Herber

I did post earlier that I didn't think it was possible but I then deleted it when Surrogate posted. I still don't think it's possible as those ribbon entries are created dynamically from the list of Addons that Visio finds when it starts up.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Sigh  :(

I do have the Add-Ons icon on my QAT. So it saves 1 or 2 keystrokes.

Thanks to all for your help.


Quote from: Paul Herber on June 09, 2022, 04:13:34 PM
I still don't think it's possible as those ribbon entries are created dynamically from the list of Addons that Visio finds when it starts up.
Hi, Paul !
You are right, I did not notice that the folder Visio Extras Add-on was added to the QAT, not the only addon Number shapes  :o

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