Adjusting master so all variants retain dimension updates

Started by pschroeder, April 12, 2022, 06:56:08 AM

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Using Visio Professional 2016

I have created a custom stencil by creating a new bpmn diagram (which loaded the default bpmn stencil), then saving this stencil using "Save As" to create my own custom named vssx stencil file.

I'm attempting to change the dimensions of the Gateway object (and its variants) within my custom vssx file. To do this, I am undertaking the following steps:-
1. From Windows Explorer, right mouse-clicking the vssx file and selecting "Edit" from shortcut menu;
2. Upon opening the file, selecting the "Gateway" object from the left panel;
3. From the 'Stencil' ribbon, selecting "Edit Master Shape";
4. Upon loading onto the canvas, right mouse-clicking the Gateway object and selecting "Show ShapeSheet".
5. Navigating to respective tables within the ShapeSheet and updating cell values as follows:-

Table: Shape Transform
Cell:   'Width'    Value: 20mm
Cell:   'Height'   Value: 15mm

Table: User-Defined Cells
Cell:   'User.DefaultWidth'       Value: 20mm
Cell:   'User.DefaultHeight'      Value: 15mm
Cell:   'User.ResizeTxtHeight'   Value: 15mm (formularised cell)

(refer attached image "ShapeSheet1")

I've been able change the dimensions for the Gateway type "Exclusive Data" and save these.

Whilst still in "Edit Master Shape" mode, when I right mouse-click the Gateway object to change ti any of the other variants (e.g. "Exlusisve Data (with Marker)", the updated dimensions previously entered have not been retained. In fact, the new dimensions for all other variants selected are as follows:-

Table: Shape Transform
Cell:   'Width'    Value: 508mm
Cell:   'Height'   Value: 381mm

(refer attached image "ShapeSheet2")

When I change the dimensions to what I require and right mouse-click to select another Gateway type "Inclusive", the dimensions are as follows:-
Table: Shape Transform
Cell:   'Width'    Value: 508mm
Cell:   'Height'   Value: 381mm

These incorrect dimensions are loaded for all variants, irrespective of which one I change and whether or not I save the Shape's changes.

Q. How do I change the size of the Gateway master object and retain the updated dimensions for all variants of the Gateway object (i.e. for "Exclusive Data (with Marker)", "Exclusive Event", "Inclusive", etc)

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi Paul.
I implemented the suggested changes and the dimensions are holding intact for all shape variants.
Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

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