How to change units to time (hours or minutes) that stay on the page?

Started by Jennifer, March 18, 2022, 10:30:14 PM

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I want to create a few timelines. I tried changing the units to one of the time options, but I can't make sense of any of it. I keep getting workspaces that are 10 times larger than the screen even when I press Crrl+Shift+W.

First I set the units to hours:

After some fiddling around, I figured out that "eh" means elapsed hours. Why not just "hr"? We don't have "ti" (travelled inches). Anyway, I set the page up as 8eh x 5 eh in landscape:

I got what looked like a good start. I should have known that Visio still had a few surprises in store for me. 😥😫

I dragged a shape onto the page. The border was HUGE. But Visio claims the line weight is just 0.24 pt. I made a copy and set that line weight to 1.5 pt. Yikes!

Then I tried adding a field to show the width (2.5 eh.). Another Godzilla-size result:

What do I have to do to get time units that can stay within the page?
Using Visio 2019, part of Office 365 on Windows 10


Click on the Drawing Scale tab.  There you can set how many physical length units = such and such time units.

I started from scratch, used default settings, and chose hours as unit of measurement.  They, Visio created my page.  Physically, it's in portrait mode, and both the Printer paper and drawing page are 8.5x11.

The rulers show:  204 ehours x 264 ehours.  All is correct.  Line weights seem proper and normal.

On the Drawing Scale tab, nothing unusual.  No Scale is selected.  While grayed out, Custome scale indicates 0.0417 in = 1 eh.  That is the implied scaling that the default is using.  That will control your correlation between physical and time units.
Visio 2019 Pro

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