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Is there a way to get a compact list of the threads I am following?

Started by Jennifer, December 11, 2021, 02:59:31 AM

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The only way I know of to get a list of the threads I am following is to click on Profile, then Summary, then Show Posts. But that list is anything but compact. I get just 1 or 2 threads per page/screen. And the titles get all muddled with the bodies.

Many forums that I follow have a link that will give me a very compact list. The MrExcel forum is a good example. They provide a Watched button that will produce a very useful and compact list of the threads I am following. For each thread, it shows the number of views and replies and the name of the person who made the last reply and the date, plus other information.

Any chance of anything like that here?

I am thinking of a list similar to the list of the posts in each section, but containing only those I am subscribed to.
Using Visio 2019, part of Office 365 on Windows 10

Paul Herber

Not that I know of or can find in the list of available mods.
You could try asking on:
and see if anyone bites.
You'll have to register on their own forum to be able to do the asking.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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