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Can't seem to resolve "

Started by rmbaylin, October 13, 2021, 09:55:06 PM

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I'm running 2016 Professional.  I have inserted a Visio object (a Visio .vssx file) and clicked the 'Link to File' tick box.  My goal is to have one standard page for my drawings of the various connectors and pin outs we use always update as opposed to pasting a page every drawing.

But now each Visio drawing I have  added a linked file to the document flashes me a Security warning whenever I attempt to change a line or format text on any object in the file.  This is only if I use the ribbon for the commands, but if I right mouse click and use a context menu, that works.

Also the message says "This file(0) contains links to other files".  Neither option - Update Links or Cancel makes any difference to this broken behavior

I have run through all options in the Trust Center and also have added trusted

Can any one tell me what the fix is for this? Is it a registry issue? a bug? a group policy setting?  something in my linked file?

Thanks in advance.

PS - If I solve this I will update this post


Quote from: rmbaylin on October 13, 2021, 09:55:06 PM
My goal is to have one standard page for my drawings of the various connectors and pin outs we use always update as opposed to pasting a page every drawing.

Not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish.  You could make a custom stencil that has all of your standard features.  This would be available for drag n drop.
Visio 2019 Pro


You are probably trying to get a self updating legend.
The wish is legit, but the way you handled it is probably not the best one.
Embedding a stencil a stencil in a drawing is certainly not what MS had on their requirements list.

For your problem I see two points:
1. Find a proper way for displaying up to date legends
2. Repair the brocken files


1. legends
One thing that came in my mind is how far the automatic updating shall go.
Think of an old drawing you may want to re-print, then the updated legend could differ from the drawn shapes.
So you may either go for an automatic updating routine that can be locked or for a manually triggered updating.

I had some time to play and set up a stencil "Legend.vssm" which contains a "Legend" master and the associated macros.
The legend has a custom property "prop.stencils" in which you can write a semi-colon separated list of stencil names.
Add the file suffix to the name as my macro doesn't handle the base name alone.
The update routine is triggered by 2 events - when dropped on the page and on right-click on the according action item ("update legend").
The legend master has this stencils value already set. Feel free to edit the master or duplicate it with different settings as you need.

As container, I chose the built-in container technology and set up an according list container.
This may not be exactly what you want, since lists can only be set with either a vertical or horizontal layout. Grid layouts are not supported.
Grids would require some extra effort.

As the shapes inserted may not be explanatory enough by themselves, I put their names in their text fields and re-positioned these texts. You may want to change this by either adding other informations, other labeling solutions, etc.

To get you started, I added an example stencil "AnyStencil.vssx".


If you prefer an automated update, you would need to add a trigger - eg at document level, onLoad.
... and a field holding the lock information.
I leave that to you.

2. Reparation of already corrupt files
A solution could look as follows.

a. you need to iterate over a list of documents.
either hard code that list or give vba a directory in which you would have copied all the corrupt files.

b. since we don't really know what is really broken (may be someone other than me can provide a hint), I suggest copying everything to a cleanly created new document from template.
AND make sure not to copy these ugly inserted stencils. Check by doing this operation manually if the new document is safe.
Save the newly created doc in another folder or under another name and repeat for each doc.
You may want to have a look at Paul Herber's tool collection. He may have something ready for this operation.



You will need the 3 files to play - both stencils + the template.

In your solution, you will use your own template and the "AnyStencil" will be whatever you need.



I understand the essence of why my approach may be faulty.  An old document may auto-update and not truly reflect the way the document looked when it was last printed or saved.  So this indeed makes me think a better approach is required.   I believe what I am looking to do is something similar to an X-REF in AutoCAD. I am not a CAD guy so maybe this is not accurate, but seems like the description matches.

One clarification is that I am Inserting a Visio Object .vsdx document into my document and selecting it as a linked file. I did test with a very simple document and a link to an Excel spreadsheet and the behavior seems to be consistent. I think its a MS issue with how trust is handled by MS Office applications.  This only happens when "Link to File" is ticked.

All that being said.....I will give your solution a shot as this does make more sense than my approach.

I will let you all know. Thanks!!

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