Major changes to the external data source info: Excel-Visio Refresh

Started by trezni, May 20, 2021, 05:30:30 PM

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Hello! Very important question here! I've created a full set of org charts for our organization and the goal was to have them fully automated, where the data in Visio is connected to Excel and every time we make changes to the excel we should be able to get the updated charts in Visio by pressing "refresh" button in Visio. It works perfectly for minor changes, such as change of info within the existing boxes (lines in excel), but when the boxes are moved/added/deleted (new positions being added, old positions being abolished/lines deleted from excel, or a change in reporting relationship is being done), Visio doesn't grab it, or grabs it partially. It may break the connection and doesn't delete the box... or it adds a line in the external data source window and doesn't add the box.., it gives an error when you change the reporting relationship of an employee from one director to another..... According to the instructions on MS website and tutorials on dealing with these types of changes, it says the conflict window should pop up advising you about the changes made and if you accept it, it is changed right away.. Well, that doesn't happen, as mentioned above, Visio can partially do it's change by removing or adding the lines (once I agree to the conflicts) but never removes or adds/moves the shapes (positions where the change was applied).

Please advise how to deal with these "major" changes, when you have to delete or add new employees! I really appreciate the response and help in advance!!!



Hi, Tetiana!

You mean major changes at Visio or Excel side?


I mean the major changes in Excel and consequently in Visio. The problem is when I make those major changes in Excel, such as deleting rows (positions) or adding new rows (creating new positions when hiring new employees), Visio doesn't follow..

Appreciate your response regarding the solution!


Quote from: trezni on May 20, 2021, 06:30:07 PM
when I make those major changes in Excel, such as deleting rows (positions) or adding new rows (creating new positions when hiring new employees), Visio doesn't follow..
when you create orgchart first time, you use add-on named OrgChart Wizard. When you start refresh, you need use another add-on. This add-on can only update linked data, but do not rebuild your org chart.

ЗЫ These addons are independent!


Quote from: Surrogate on May 20, 2021, 07:15:18 PM
Quote from: trezni on May 20, 2021, 06:30:07 PM
when I make those major changes in Excel, such as deleting rows (positions) or adding new rows (creating new positions when hiring new employees), Visio doesn't follow..
when you create orgchart first time, you use add-on named OrgChart Wizard. When you start refresh, you need use another add-on. This add-on can only update linked data, but do not rebuild your org chart.

ЗЫ These addons are independent!

I have a similar problem at my company, so does this mean that instead of trying to use automatic data linkage to keep my org charts up to date, I should instead just generate a new org chart every time a change is made to the source excel data? And if so, is there a way to have my data graphics apply every time I generate a new file (I use them to color code roles based on department)


As far as I know, major changes are not supported now, and were never supported. But maybe they will be supported at some point of time in the future.


Quote from: Surrogate on May 20, 2021, 07:15:18 PM
Quote from: trezni on May 20, 2021, 06:30:07 PM
when I make those major changes in Excel, such as deleting rows (positions) or adding new rows (creating new positions when hiring new employees), Visio doesn't follow..
when you create orgchart first time, you use add-on named OrgChart Wizard. When you start refresh, you need use another add-on. This add-on can only update linked data, but do not rebuild your org chart.

ЗЫ These addons are independent!

So, to refresh I need to use another add-on? this may help with major changes? which add-on do you mean, please clarify! Thank you very much!!


For create OrgChart you need use OrgChart wizard (very old solution, more than 25 years old) -
I dont know another add-on name, it also known as Quick Data linking (this feature from 2007) -

You can read more about frustration


Quote from: trezni on July 21, 2021, 02:13:46 PM
So, to refresh I need to use another add-on? this may help with major changes? which add-on do you mean, please clarify! Thank you very much!!

Let's keep the add-ons aside not to bring the confusion, I think it is all technical details how some feature is implemented, with add-ons, dlls, modules, black magic, or sacred spirit :)

The point is, the functionality you are looking for (supporting automatic "major updates" for the org chart) does not exist in Visio now. Period.
You need to update your org charts manually in case of major changes. Or recreate them.



Thank you all, will recreate then... Is there a way to have some sort of stencils to keep all the work done in the previous version of the charts? I have tons of legend icons included and shapes are formatted in a very specific way. This is my main problem, it is a lot of work to make them look exactly the same.


Quote from: trezni on July 22, 2021, 12:54:36 PM
have tons of legend icons included and shapes are formatted in a very specific way.
you mean that you use custom shapes in your OrgCharts ?


I created them originally per default and then yes, I customized them, chose different types of shpes, removed pictures, chose the exact borders I needed fr different levels of management, gave upper management bigger size shapes.. Placed every division on a separate page... Chose a background, added lots of legend icons... So creating is quick, but lots of work was done after I originally created them.. Thus asking if there is a way to recreate and simply tell visio to make it the same looking chart..

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