Visio shape - how do you find out what it is - where to get it?

Started by virtualu2, May 14, 2009, 06:53:41 PM

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I have a drawing someone sent and I want to get the shape on it, and reuse it, and I also want to delete a line from it.

The object is a cloud that has lines going to all my routers, I can't delete the "one" line I want to or the whole cloud and all the lines get deleted, it seems like they are attached to the cloud.

I can't find it in visio 2007 pro, is there a way to find out what the shape is or where it came from? 

Visio Guy

Hi virtualu2,

I'm not sure what shape you have, but I think some clouds have "built-in" connectors.

If you select the cloud, you should see yellow dots at the ends of the lines. The lines belong to the cloud, so you have to select the cloud.

Now, pull on the yellow handle for the line you want to get rid of, and place it on top of the cloud. The line will disappear when the handle is inside of the cloud region.
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If you do a shape search for cloud, you ought to find it.  I believe the stencil Net_Loc_M (or something like that) has it.
Visio 2019 Pro

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