Visio Graphic with Right/Bottom Padding when Copying to Word

Started by hbeschma, April 27, 2021, 07:30:04 AM

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Dear all,

I'm using VISIO 2016 to create flow charts which works fine so far.
But I have a problem when copying the diagrams into a table in WORD via Copy & Paste.
Then the charts get a wide transparent padding space to the right and below the chart which results in a decreased graphic size as it will be shrinked into the table column.
I have no clue regarding the reason   :'(
Does anyone have an ide how I can avoid this?

Kind regards and thanks in advance


You insert your diagrams as Visio object or as picture format (jpg,png etc) ?


I use STRG+C / STRG+V for Copy&Paste between VISIO and WORD.

Greetings Heike


i.e. as Visio object. Try use Special paste and insert as png...


unfortunately it's the same effect when using special paste and png ...  :(


Can you share there screenshot and your visio document?


Find attached the VISIO file with 2 charts and the WORDfile where the VISIO charts where copied to with STRG+C / STRG+V.

Kind regards


Strange, i just paste from clipboard at my side i haven't paddings  :o


Same as Surrogate.

I downloaded your Visio file, went to Page 2 and did copy all.
Downloaded your Doc file.  Opened for editing.  Went to 2nd page.  Deleted the Visio object.  Then, did Paste Special > Visio and it pasted fine.  No padding.  Could not reproduce your problem.
Visio 2019 Pro


OK ... then I think the only chance will be to ask our IT support to reset my personal windows profile.
Had hoped to avoid that ... but it seems the only way to get rid of the problem  :(

Nevertheless THANKS to you both !

Kind regards


Heike, try play with these settings in MS Word application.

IMHO your problem at MS Word's side...


it isn't something as simple as there is a small / hidden thing down in the bottom right which is also being picked up?  I have had this issue when a text box is overly large and extends beyond where you expect it to end?

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