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What is this green box that fights me so much?

Started by a_gunslinger, January 18, 2021, 08:57:28 PM

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Hello.  I have these occassional green boxes that appear.  And when I try to move another box into it, near it, around it it wont allow it or forces my placement into all kinds of wacky unintended positions.  Is this a Master definition.  Regardless, how can I remove these when encountered.  TY!

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Sure thing.  Thanks for the reply.  An example of strange behavior is:

  • If you do a Select All, you see one of the green boxes up top, and spanning off to left outside canvas margins (see original post)
  • But the same Select All doesnt show one that exists in the middle area.
  • In the example file attached, if you nudge the bulleted list indicated below(EKG, etc) up a couple clicks, it invokes a central green box and scrambles up some of the position (see iamge below, and try it in the attached file)

Thanks for any input.


Errors in this drawing are due to inaccurate handling of containers.
Green box is a remnant of a deleted container "Classic" type. Most likely, you first tried using this container, then deleted it and started using "Plain" containers. But there was garbage after removal. (See Classic.685 shape.)
Another garbage residue is the Sheet.1808 shape. You can find it using the Drawing Explorer tool.


Interesting.  Are they simply deletable once found using the Drawing Explorer Box?  Really appreciate the input.


Sheet.1808 is empty, so you can easily delete it.
But Classic.685 contains other shapes that will be removed along with it. Therefore, you first need to remove the contained shapes from the container, then remove the container and return the shapes back. See the animated gif.


Sorry, the file is too large. Now I'll find where to put it.


Thank you very much!  Extememly helpful.  Probably helpful to other new users as well.  I dont even actually recall having specified those specific ones, thought I was using the default basic shapes.

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