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Earlier Created Shapes Now Display Weird Font

Started by Strex, November 04, 2020, 02:00:40 AM

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I created a shape - a picture within a General Basic Shape (rectangle) --> I called the shape something say "Widget 1" using whatever font was default and this is displayed within the rectangle --> I saved the shape to my library ("Widget 1 Master")--> Used the shape in that drawing today = Good results - operating as expected.

A few months later I decide that on my drawing I need to use that shape again: --> Go to my library ---> Find the shape called Widget 1 Master and drag it onto my drawing.... That's when I get the issue:  That original shape wording Widget 1 within the rectangle is now displays with some random Wing Ding type font!!

I decide to edit that shape --> Ungroup ---> Go to change the font back to something more legible and it will not change, it does not matter whether I change the font type or size I am stuck with Wingdings font!!

I've created years worth of shapes and this problem is only happening to some not all - At a guess the shape was created less than 12 months ago.  I am running Visio Plan 2 Version 2002


You created stencil one year ago in Visio Plan 2 or in another oldest version?


I'm actually not sure as this is a work PC the machine was rebuilt and Visio downloaded - Can I find out what version the shape was created in?  If it was a different version what are my options?


Quote from: Strex on November 04, 2020, 04:32:19 AM- Can I find out what version the shape was created in?
Sorry, just now it is impossible. I mean only you can remember which version you used in these times !


In Visio each shape have special table where stored all shape's properties. This table named ShapeSheet.
It have cell which describe which font(s) used in text written into shape's text box. Font cell contain value as integer, font ID. For example you create you shape and apply to shape font with ID=21. But if you open this document at other PC, or if you upgrade you operation system you can get weird font. Because in this case you can have different fonts list in PS's operation system
same post


On the Shape Sheet what am I looking for? In Character it states Font = THEMEVAL() Size 12pt mind you THEMEVAL() seems to appear everywhere.... Can I change it to something to correct it?


font:   Around 2007, font went from a number to a name.  So prior to 2007, times roman might be 31
          (moreover it was a relative reference....add another font, everything shifts and your shapes font changes - 32 is 32)
          after 2007 or so, times roman is times roman

Version:  some shapes from produces do have a user cell or prop cell to state version used.   If you are make your own shapes
              may want to do similar

wapperdude can put your shape in Visio file and upload to the forum.  Then the shape can be checked directly.
Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: vojo on November 04, 2020, 01:37:13 PMsome shapes from produces do have a user cell or prop cell to state version used.   If you are make your own shapes
              may want to do similar
persons who dont know which version they used about 12 month ago, do not make shapes which contain cells with version info  ;D

Quote from: vojo on November 04, 2020, 01:37:13 PMafter 2007 or so, times roman is times roman
via user interface or with use FONTTOID or FONT functions ?

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