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Shape Data Condition based on fixed list

Started by CHead1071, October 02, 2020, 09:36:11 PM

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Hey Everyone!

Is it possible to have shape data fields be dependent on the selection of a fixed list item?

For example, I have a Visio shape that represents a Home Theater speaker option which has string shape data for ITEM NAME and ITEM NUMBER - this option comes in 5 flavors (prewire, good, better, best, elite). These are the options that would make up the fixed list, and the user is prompted to make the selection when the item is added. 

Each of these flavors have different item names and item numbers, and as such, I currently use 5 different shapes in my stencil, each with its own specific item data.  What I think would be super cool is if I could I have 1 shape in the stencil with a fixed list of the 5 flavors, and the selection would manipulate the ITEM NAME and ITEM NUMBER shape data based on the flavor selected.  Any thought on if this is doable?  And if so, how would I do it?  Thanks for any / all the input!




Thanks for the input!  I have looked at your file, and I see that you have the date shape data variable based on where the location of the shape on the calendar - can you help me to understand how you achieved this?  It is very similar to what I am attempting, only the trigger for the variable change would be a fixed list selection vs. the location on the page (I think) in your example.  Thanks again!


Check the attachment. It shows the pure solution without disturbing other stuff.

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