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Org Charting off Budget Data

Started by KDavidP1987, September 24, 2020, 03:54:42 PM

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Hi everyone,

Needing some help!

I have basic skills in developing org charts in Visio. I've helped around the office here and there with diagrams, flow charts, and org charts as needed, so over time more people started coming to me expecting that I am a Visio wizard when in reality it's just been A LOT of trial and error learning mixed with a dose of personal OCD mostly. LOL

Introductions aside, my manager has given me a task to develop org charts based off budgeting data, with the hierarchy secondary. Here are the basic criteria for this endeavor:

  • Each page must represent a cost/profit center within the budget
  • Including a associated Page/Sheet title to match
  • Each chart should be a maximum of 1 page in size, where feasible, so that the entire book can be printed as necessary
  • Data on each employee (per shape) should include at least the name and title
  • Possibly other info from the budget/HR data as well
  • It should be cleanly updatable (semi-automatically) with changes to the budget

I've never undergone an endeavor in Visio of this nature. I have my Budget Org Data cleaned and ready for import in Excel, by utilizing Power Query to automatically import and clean the data.  I've tested importing the data into an org chart and it all imports correctly from a hierarchical perspective.  I primarily need help understanding how I can set it up to separate pages per Cost/Profit Center automatically upon import, and be updatable with new info as the data changes. 

All of the videos I see online seem to be of simple org charts using traditional organizational datasets or exchange to pull info.  I can't find any info on separating org chart pages by alternative variables in the dataset, or on keeping them cleanly updated for automation.

Please provide me with some ideas, or point me in the right direction. If you have a solution outside of Visio that could work for this I am open to options as well.

Thank you for your time and guidance!

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