Visio 2003 keeps spawning new Visio windows

Started by mjohnm, November 23, 2019, 01:02:36 PM

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I recently had to reinstall Visio 2003 on my Win 10 machine - an older version of VSU worked just fine before this. After reinstalation, when I started Visio spawned a new Visio window every second or so. The only way to stop the accumulation of open Windows was  to reboot. After some trial and error I found deleting the Super Utilities folder stopped the problem. I just downloaded and installed version but got the same bad behavior. Again the problem stopped when I deleted the VSU folder. Any idea what is going on?

Paul Herber

check that the path you put in the Startup folder at the Options menu is only the path of the folder that you installed VSU in. If there is anything else in that path then Visio will try to open it.
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