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Started by alk, May 17, 2020, 02:56:23 PM

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Hi, since I have updated from Win7 to Win10 I can not paste from my clipboard manager into Visio2007, yes I can paste into Visio2016 and I can also paste directly CNTR+V, BUT I need to be able to use my favorite clipboard manager which can strip formating and many other tools. [Visio2007- we grew up together, and it has a floating toolbar+clipart manager which I love dearly].
I have tried reparing both clipboard manager and Visio2007, also I have tried numberous clipboard managers, not work other than Win10 builtin but I don't like, not one bit!
Pleas any suggesting for one of my favorite tools.

Paul Herber

Did the upgrade also involve a change from 32-bit Windows to 64-bit?

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Nope, I have been on 64 bit for many years. In addition, my wifes Win10 PC works fine with Visio2007, no pasting issues from Clipboard managers, only on my computer do I have that issue. I feel too to old to relearn a new Visio setup and resetup all of my shortcuts and templates. I want to stick with Visio2007 and make it work.


I had V2007 on Win7, migrated to Win10, and upgrade to 64B at same time.  All worked fine.  No problems with clipboard.

Since your wife PC works fine, I suspect the Windows upgrade didn't go well, or perhaps the V2007  installation was faulty.  I assume you have plenty of RAM, and disk space, for that matter.
Visio 2019 Pro


Just a thought - maybe you are executing Visio 2007 as administrator? And the clipboard manager as non-administrator. So the clipboard manager cannot access Visio.


does regular copy paste work in this 2007 + win10 instance?
Did you try copy paste from VSDX as well as VSD?


Tough issue to solve! Yes, I am running both programs as administrator, and still can not paste from my Clipboard manager called SPARTAN in to Visio 2007 on my PC, on my wifes-no problem! ...except for the obvious it is not my computer!
Regular copy and paste does work normally,BUT it is not good enough for my work, it is laborious doing it one at a time for 30 instances, and it also copies across formatting, SPARTAN clipboard strips the formatting for me.
I thought of just doing a simple system restore, but notices that Win10 had it on off mode since my win7>Win10 conversion, so I can't even try that!
Maybe a complete uninstall and re-install willl work, but I am nervous to loose some of my settings and my toolbars, I don't think there is an option to backup all settings, layouts and toolbars in Visio2007. Is there?

Paul Herber

I can't see reinstalling Visio having any effect. Maybe reinstall the clipboard manager. It could be a registry setting that is affecting something.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have re-intalled the clipboard manager several times with several versions, no help [since it works fine with Visio2016 which I also have I suspect there is an issue with Visio2007, having a conflict with my Win10, I have done some looking around and it seems that it won't be too bad to re-intall visio2007, if I backup the custom12.vsu file and then repace it. that is my last hope. I can not mess with my resigtry settings blindly, would need instructions. Yes Wapperdud I have enough memory and RAM and 16GB.


You updated back in 2016 ... is this a new problem?
Visio 2019 Pro


So I investigated this Spartan Clipboard app.  Can do some amazing stuff.  Can do too much in my opinion.  Windows Defender doesn't like it.  But, my gut feeling with all of it's capability, feels like a great backdoor vulnerability.  Of course, I tend to be very cautious, but, not something I want on my PC.
Visio 2019 Pro


I have two other obvious solutions, one to re-install windows10 and keep apps and settings, the other is to wait for the next major update which is supposed to come out on about 28 May 2020, I think I will wait, hopefully it will also fix another issue, by Windows search does not work properly.


Just to reiterate...other than this problem with Spartan clipboard, specifically, on your PC, Win10 works fine, Visio. 2007 works fine, normal copy/paste work fine.  In addition, everything works fine on your wife's PC.

This sounds like an issue with Spartan, unique to your PC.  I doubt many, if any, users have it, so probably no helpful advice from experience.  Best avenue would be from the company/individual responsible for Spartan.

Out of curiousity, have you tried using the Spartan clipboard with other apps on your PC? 
Visio 2019 Pro


Yes Wapperdud, Spartan works fine with other apps on my PC.
I have downloaded other clipboard managers and they DO NOT WORK with Visio2007 on my computer.
Therefore I think the problem is either Win10 or Visio2007 on my PC.
I do have another issue in that Win10 does not do a proper search for files.
I am currently browsing the net to see if there is an option to fix,reprair,re-install win10 w/out loosing settings prog. or apps?

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