Visio Crashes When Deleting a Shape from an Unsaved Stencil

Started by Eva, March 17, 2020, 05:39:26 PM

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My colleagues have the Visio version "Microsoft Visio for Office 365 MSO (16.0.11328.20468) 32-bit" and it crashes every time the following sequence is repeated:

- Create a new stencil
- drag or copy one shape into the stencil
- delete the shape in the stencil

I have the same version number of Visio, but my version is "Microsoft Visio 2019 MSO (16.0.11328.20468) 32-bit", and on my machine the same operation does not crash the Visio.
Last week one of my colleague got an upgrade, and now the version is 16.0.11328.20524, but it did not affect the crash.

I have been looking if someone else are having the same problem, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone help? Does your Visio crash when doing this?

Thanks in advance,

Visio Guy


Reported to Microsoft.
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