Not able to Save to Network Folder or as a .vsd file Please Help

Started by jess1979, April 22, 2009, 06:04:51 PM

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I've tried seaching high and low for this and can;t find anything.  I'm hoping maybe someone here can help.

I'm using Visio 2002 standard all the latest updates and patches on Win XP pro box

the first of the couple of issue I have is after creating a org chart in Visio I go to try to save it and it will not let me do save as and then rename it.  If I save the created doc to my desktop it saves as drawing1 and as a file for type when viewed in properties, not as a .vsd file. I can't get it to save as the name i have typed even in the save properties box that pops up if checked to do so. I have checked the file association and it's set to visio and when you click on the file on the desktop it knows to open in visio.

The next issue I have is I can't save to a network folder.  It looks as if the file is saving but when I browse out to the folder there are no new created vsd files in the folder.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still can't seem to get this issue resloved.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Let me know if you need more info.


Is this still a problem?

Not sure how many out here are using V2002...

Is it just the org chart drawing that won't let you do a "save as"?  Just out of curiousity, once it is saved, can you go to the location of the file, and rename it?  If so, then, re-open it with Visio.  Make some changes.  Save.  And also do Save As and a new name.  Do all of those actions work properly?

Visio 2019 Pro

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