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Keyboard shortcut for arrow direction?

Started by camikins, August 19, 2010, 03:42:13 PM

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Is there a keyboard shortcut to change arrow directions in visio?
It's a bit of an annoying issue for me - I'll draw an arrow, then need to change the direction later based on various changes and iterations of a diagram.

Is there a way to click on the line and hit a shortcut to make an arrow go from <--- to   --->



If you are not talking about a connected Connector:

2 times Ctrl+r

Otherwise change the end where the arrowhead is.


If you are talking about connected connector, I am afraid that there is not native short cut key.  ;) ;)
You need to swap just arrow head, but not line ends.
It may be possible, if you can make your own macro that start with a short cut key.
Here is my test macro.

    Dim beginArrow As Visio.Cell, endArrow As Visio.Cell
    If ActiveWindow.Selection.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Set beginArrow = ActiveWindow.Selection(1).Cells("BeginArrow")
    Set endArrow = ActiveWindow.Selection(1).Cells("endArrow")
    If beginArrow.FormulaU = "0" Then
        beginArrow.FormulaU = "13"
        endArrow.FormulaU = "0"
        beginArrow.FormulaU = "0"
        endArrow.FormulaU = "13"
    End If

Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


wow... simple and effective... thanks @JuneTheSecond for your help.

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