Custom Keyboard shortcuts to invoke a custom action menu item.

Started by bwharrington, August 22, 2019, 08:44:34 PM

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I've scoured the internet for examples of how to implement a custom keyboard shortcut but nothing is really panning out.

In an idea world I would like to be able to CTRL+Y to invoke a custom action menu item or just a method in my code.

A couple things I have found indicate this may not be possible. However I think these are outside the realm of writing code to solve the problem. At least Id like to believe that.

However if you check one of the reference sites you can find visCmdCreateShortcut,

Does anyone have examples or insight on how this may be achieved? Possibly using visCmdCreateShortcut or a command similar to it?



the "quick and dirty", but easiest way is:

Private Sub actiontrigger1 ()
    Dim shp As Visio.Shape
    Dim cellname As String
    ActiveWindow.Select Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shapes.ItemFromID(31), visSelect  ' 31 being the shape ID of the shape containing the action cell to trigger
    Set shp = ActiveWindow.Selection(1)
    cellname = "Actions.Action_Row1.Action" 'This being the action cell to trigger
End Sub

And then assign a keyboard shorcut to the macro. You can do it with the Macro Options.
The other way would be using the Application.Keydown event listener : and then using it at the beginning of the code with an If then...

good luck.

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