Problems opening saved Visio file that includes a CAD import

Started by tbaron27, August 23, 2019, 07:51:26 PM

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I am working with a drafter to import CAD files so that I can work with them in Visio. I am able to import the files no problem. I can turn layers on and off, as well as change layer colors. It works great. However once I save the Visio file and try to reopen it, the CAD import becomes a white box with an X through it. The drafter has tried sending me several different CAD files and we can't seem to fix the problem. I have tried this in both Visio 2010 Pro and Visio Online Plan 2 and still have the same results. Any thoughts on how to resolve this problem would be great.


Visio 2019 Pro


We have tried both dwg and dxf. I tried to attach file but received an error that it was too large.


I found a CAD file that is less that 500KB so I have attached it here. Same problem as all the others. Works great until saved and reopened in Visio.


I don't normally import CAD drawings.  Always seemed to be less than a pleasant task.

I'm assuming that after you import the drawing you do a convert.  Without that step I get the white box of death.  With that step, seems everything appears as expected.
Visio 2019 Pro


I do not covert the CAD file. I believe doing so would remove the CAD file layer properties which I need. The bottom line scenario I'm trying to accomplish is to import the CAD file, use Visio to draw on top of the CAD file, then turn off certain CAD layers so my Visio drawings stand out. And I need to be able to turn on and off layers because they identify predetermined locations from the architect.


Well, if you don't convert, you have to live with white box of death.  Converting is a non-destructive procedure as it's only a copy of the original.  Nothing g ventured, nothing gained...the layers will still be there.
Visio 2019 Pro


So I have now tried running several converts and nothing seems to work. I've tried changing the selected options under the advanced tab within convert and I still have issues. Sometimes I will get almost a duplicate image, while others will result in several layers of the drawing missing. The layer control also seems to go away because there is no longer and CAD file and therefore I can no longer right click the image and go to CAD properties to turn on and off layers. Any other thoughts. The drafter I'm working with thinks it could be a view setting within Visio, or maybe a broken link of sorts from the source CAD file. It's just strange that everything I need to do works great until I save and reopen. I can't remember which file I attached last time so here's the file I've been working with most recently.


With the 1st feature you sent, I did nothing special in the conversation process.  Some things to note:
1) before conversion, the CAD file is an alien format.  The import feature gives ability to do some "filtering" in it's native format.  That is you can select/contol/modify what's converted
   >> change layer colors, visibility
   >> change line weights
   >> hide/show things
   >> etc

2) after conversion, it's no longer a CAD file.  Whether or not things are dropped (I didn't notice any).  Conversion is an interpretive procedure.  There may not be a 1:1 correlation.  Visio does its best.

3) the layers, because of (2), migrate to Visio layers.  These are now "page" properties.  I tested several, and each worked as expected.

Visio 2019 Pro


While everything you stated makes sense, I think I may be out of luck. Even if I could get the CAD files to convert without losing any objects/layers/images, as you said, the mapping from CAD to Visio is not 1:1 and therefore the Visio layers/pages are not the same as the original CAD layers. Which I need. I will keep venturing down the rabbit hole, but if you think of something else, please let me know. Thx!


Visio 2019 Pro

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