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Method to open "Edit Hyperlinks" window

Started by morelup, July 12, 2019, 03:02:30 PM

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Is there a method I could use for the EventDblClick event to open the shapes "Edit hyperlinks" dialog box (without a macro, since I don't want to have to have my users click the macro disclaimer every time they open the visio)

Thank you for any info :)


Please try Docmd(1030) - visCmdEditLinks
Just now I haven't Visio there for check my advice
Full list of docmd constants -


nope, didn't work, read like it should have but didn't :(


Confirmed that 1030 doesn't bring up hyperlink menu.  The value 1619 appears to be the desired entry.
Visio 2019 Pro


That did it, thank you very much for the info :)

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