Visio Addin (LF Developer)

Started by AllenDiesel, May 09, 2019, 07:42:27 PM

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Hey community..

Im looking for someone to develop a Visio add-in/extension that I can use for my company.
It will basically be used to make our wiring diagrams we create in visio interactive.
(Clicking wires will show the full path, etc)

If any of you coding/visio geniuses out there want to assist me with this and hear more details about what exactly we are looking for, please let me know.
Of course, I am willing to pay top dollar for development and rights to source code with an agreement of only using it for business needs and not re-sale.


Hey Ken


   Several years ago I wrote some Visio VBA to draw active schematic circuits.  It has batteries, bulbs, wires, switches and relays, and you can design and actually operate circuits.  Might be the basis of what you need?  Check it out:

   As the linked post mentions, it's not complete (no project ever is), but it served my purposes at the time.  And sure, I'd be available to help extend it.  I've been wanting to do that anyhow; you may be the excuse I've been looking for!

   - Ken
Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story


Quote from: Hey Ken on May 10, 2019, 12:43:05 PM

   Several years ago I wrote some Visio VBA to draw active schematic circuits.  It has batteries, bulbs, wires, switches and relays, and you can design and actually operate circuits.  Might be the basis of what you need?  Check it out:

   As the linked post mentions, it's not complete (no project ever is), but it served my purposes at the time.  And sure, I'd be available to help extend it.  I've been wanting to do that anyhow; you may be the excuse I've been looking for!

   - Ken

Hey Ken,

That's a great tool you have created there.
I cant get it to work when I extract it into a webpage form. I'm not sure if you're able to do that or if I did it wrong.
Either way.. If you wanted to chat about this project with me I can explain to you exactly what i'm looking for and get your thoughts and see if you're interested.


Hey Ken


   Thanks for the kind words about my circuit emulator.  Fun to play with, but no, you did nothing wrong.  It won't work outside of Visio because it relies on macros, which browsers, PDFs, etc. do not understand.  I can't imagine any easy way to get the emulation working in a web page.  My apologies.  It's Visio or nothing.

   - Ken

Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story

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