Hyperlink Section on the Document Shapesheet

Started by Hey Ken, October 19, 2018, 01:24:19 PM

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Hey Ken


   There are only a few sections available on the document shapesheet, and one of them is Hyperlinks.  Why?  Where do you trigger the hyperlink?  Can't seem to find any way to do that.  Makes me wonder why there's a hyperlink section on the document shapesheet at all.  Any insights?

   - Ken
Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story

Paul Herber

It appears in the diagram's "Related Documents"
ribbon File -> Info
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hey Ken

   Okay, never knew that.  Thanks for the quick reply.

   How about document-level shape data?  Can't seem to find that one either.

   - Ken
Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story

Paul Herber

I don't think that's used much. However, it is used by some of the built-in add-ons like the Org Chart for settings.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


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