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How to use call-outs with imported image (Visio 2013)

Started by aenagy, October 13, 2018, 11:27:23 PM

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I have a photo that I want to add call-outs. The photo is a vehicle and the call-outs are to identify various parts of the vehicle. Importing the photo to Visio works the way I want. When I add a call-out the arrow-head end attaches to the edge of the photo which is not what I what I want.  I tried making sure that the call-out was at the front and the image was to the rear but this didn't help.

I want to be able to place the arrow-head end to specific locations on the imported photo. This is conceptually the same as adding text to the photo using MS Paint but I need to be able to edit the call-outs after saving the document.

Thanks in advance.


Not a Visio 2013 user. However, an easy method may be to select the image and then add connection points where you want to attach your call-outs.

I say "may" because I do not have Visio on this machine and cannot test if connection points can be added to an image like they can to any other shape.




Quote from: Yacine on October 14, 2018, 12:14:57 AM
AJD's method works with V2013.

Either this doesn't work or I'm not doing this correctly. Using this: I tried to create a connection point on the image. Instead MS Paint is launched with the photo loaded.


from your link:
QuoteAdd a connection point to a shape If the shape you want to glue a connector to does not have a connection point where you want it, you can add one.

  • Select the shape.
  • On the Home tab, in the Tools group, click the Connection Point tool Button image .
  • If connection points are not visible, on the View tab, in the Visual Aids group, select the Connection Points check box.
  • Press Ctrl and click where you want to add a connection point. The new connection point is automatically selected after you place it.
These steps are correct. If you follow them by the letter it should work.

Even if you have a weird hyperlink setting on the picture.
Mind the step order!
1) Connection points must be visible
2) Select the connection point tool
3) select the shape
4) ctrl + click to add the c. points

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