Text Mirror Image

Started by DavidK, March 17, 2013, 04:47:47 PM

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I'm using Visio 2010 in Windows 7 64 bit.  Currently I'm working on a project for a control panel, which requires a page that is a mirror image of the panel face.  I can do everything except flip the text.  How can I make a mirror image of the text?

Paul Herber

I'd suggest looking at trying a mirror font first and seeing what results that gives/
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Interesting - - - Mirror Font.  Never heard of this.
Where do I find mirror fonts, and do you type them in like real text?

Thanks for your quick replay.


google...or whatever search engine you fancy.

Or, you can make a picture of the text, say a png version so that background is transparent, import and flip.

I don't believe the word art generator that JuneThe2nd developed will do mirror images.  You might give that a try, but, it is really more word art than classic text font.
Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

You can mirror static text by:

1. Copy
2. Paste-special
3. Flip horizontal

If you have to edit the text, then this becomes impractical without some sort of automated generation.

Visio 2013 has some reflection and 3D rotation effects that could help as well.
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Quote from: Visio Guy on March 19, 2013, 01:36:00 PM
You can mirror static text by:

1. Copy
2. Paste-special
3. Flip horizontal    <----

If you have to edit the text, then this becomes impractical without some sort of automated generation.

Visio 2013 has some reflection and 3D rotation effects that could help as well.

I'm not seeing any "Flip horizontal" option on Paste Special in Visio 2010. Am I missing something?  -- Graham

Paul Herber

Hi Graham, I don't think it's implying that Flip Horizontal is on the Paste menu. Flip Horizontal is on the Home -> Position -> Rotate Shapes ribbon.
But Visio 2010 can't do the mirror format that is in Visio 2016 (2013?). All you have to do is set the XRotation to 180°.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


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