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help with room shapes

Started by merlin777, May 29, 2018, 07:39:00 PM

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I need a bit of advice using the walls, shell and structure templates.

I'm taking an existing estate agents' floorplan (jpg) and placing it on a new document page. I chose a drawing scale (1:100) and resized the jpg to that scale. I'm now adding rooms with the room shape and I have a few problems...

- I want to adjust the width of the walls on the room template as they don't match the floorplan but can only change the height and width
- what do I do about walls of adjacent rooms - do I overlap the shapes or butt them up against each other?
- Are the dimensions of the shape the internal or external room dimension?
and finally,
- where are the kitchen work surfaces hiding? I can find sink, cupboards and appliances etc but no kitchen work surfaces



1)  Wall thickness is accessed via shape data
2)  Adjacent rooms:  this has been an issue since day 1.  Don't think there's been an update.  I'm on V2007.  Overlapping doesn't work.  Butting can be done.  Set each wall to 1/2 total thickness for visually correct look. Still some lingering issues with the dimensions of the "orthogonal" walls.
3)  Dimensions are relative to the reference line.  For example, if reference is along an outer edge, dimentions will be for external.
4)  Not aware of work surfaces.  Perhaps google.  Maybe Visio Café.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thanks, Wapperdude.

When I right click the shape (on the drawing) and go to data/shape data I get the shape data window but it only offers me length and width - no control over the wall widths.

I'm on 2007 too - guess I'll have to improvise like everyone else!

Not sure what you mean by the reference line? Is that the part which becomes dotted green when you select the shape? If that's the case then these rooms have a reference line around the inner wall which means that matches the room dimension and makes things a lot easier!

Thanks for the visio cafe tip. I haven't been here for years as I've had a long illness so its just all starting to come back to me.

appreciate the help.


To control the wall widths you need to edit the master. Once in the master you can then click on each wall segment and set the width. You do lose some functionality - it will never again toggle the room dimensions on and off when you select your room! Save the room with the new wall thicknesses to a stencil for future use.

Rather than butt the walls together I overlap them, this looks a lot tidier, even though it is a pain if you want to alter the room dimensions as you have to go to the largest magnification and line them up. Windows and doors drop through both walls and show correctly.


I'm on V2007, and works same for Win7 and Win10.  See attached for details.

Visio 2019 Pro


Ah!  You are talking about the "room" shape.   This is still do-able without editing the master.  From the Drawing Explorer window, traverse the desired page tree to get to the Room Shape of interest.  Expand the shapes.  For simple room, the 4 entries are the walls.  Right click on each wall listed, select Shape Data, and you'll get access to wall thickness.

Visio 2019 Pro

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