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Likes. LIKES! We can LIKE posts!

Started by Visio Guy, April 16, 2019, 05:47:48 PM

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Visio Guy

For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Displaying the likes in the posts lists would be great. Showing them only in the posts themselves doesn't give that much added value.
One would like to explore the posts lists based on the likes.

Visio Guy

Good feedback. SMF Forum plugins are weird, and not as easy to work with as WordPress. If anyone knows of a better plugin, that would help a lot!
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


The following plugins claim to be able to display the likes in the posts lists. The third one is not free though.

Browser ID: smf (possibly_robot)
Templates: 4: index (default), Display (default), GenericControls (default), GenericControls (default).
Sub templates: 6: init, html_above, body_above, main, body_below, html_below.
Language files: 4: index+Modifications.english (default), Post.english (default), Editor.english (default), Drafts.english (default).
Style sheets: 4: index.css, attachments.css, jquery.sceditor.css, responsive.css.
Hooks called: 202 (show)
Files included: 32 - 1207KB. (show)
Memory used: 1053KB.
Tokens: post-login.
Cache hits: 13: 0.00146s for 26,563 bytes (show)
Cache misses: 2: (show)
Queries used: 16.

[Show Queries]