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Visio Book Reviews

Started by Lisa Hughes, March 31, 2009, 10:58:03 AM

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Lisa Hughes

Dear Visio Guy

It would be helpful to me if users of the forum could post Visio book recommendations and reviews onto the website, like the book reviews found on Amazon. Perhaps Visio Guy could profit by selling Visio books on the website or providing a link to an online book shop that does sell them? I know there are some reviews of development Visio books on the website, but I couldn't see any general reference Visio books for the more amateur Visio users, like Visio 2007 for Dummies.

It might also be useful if the audience was categoried. For example, this book is suitable for a Visio Developer/Expert/Beginner etc.

Overall, this is a great website and resource for all Visio users.

Kind regards


Visio Guy

There are two new offerings for Visio 2010 general usage and power user tips.

The book I've just written has gone to publication, and is available here:

Using Microsoft Visio 2010, QUE Publishing

Fellow MVP Scott Helmers has also produced a fine offering:

Microsoft Visio 2010 Step by Step

Both books cover the new features in Visio 2010 in detail and very well. Scott's book talks a bit more about the features you only get if you have the Pro and Premium editions, whereas Using Microsoft Visio 2010 tries to keep Standard users in mind as much as possible. Scott's book focuses heavily on network, flowchart and process diagrams, where I delve into scaled drawings and other areas a bit more.

Using Microsoft Visio 2010 also comes with online access to its contents, and is accompanied by 37 videos and 11 audio clips to make it "more than just a book". Whichever book you purchase, if you work through all the examples, you will be a very proficient Visio 2010 user, and will learn a lot!

If you've read either one, I'd love to hear your opinions!
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Ten years late to the party.  I grew up reading Que books and have enjoyed all Scott Helmers books on Visio.  The two most referenced books on my Visio bookshelf are "Microsoft Visio 2003 Developer's Survival Pack" and "Developing Microsoft Visio Solutions (2001)."  These 20 year old books are still relevant. Don't know if that says more about the books or the program.  From an old guy who still prefers paper books.

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