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Permanently Group two shapes or object in Visio

Started by Networker, November 02, 2017, 05:01:18 AM

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Dear All,

If I want to permanently group two object is that possible to do in developer mode so any user outside developer mode should not see ungroup option.



It is impossible ! Because you can find button Group in Home Tab!  Home -> Arrange -> Group

And in context menu, when you click on mouse's right-button !


To add to Surrogate's answer, it is generally a bad idea to over-protect your solution.
Often one's solution did not consider all aspects of a problem, so the user should be capable to help himself.
If breaks something on purpose or inadvertently than it is easier to replace the broken shape.

Paul Herber

Does the shape really need to be a group? Could it be converted into a multi-geometry shape instead?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Paul Herber on November 02, 2017, 10:18:18 AMCould it be converted into a multi-geometry shape instead?
But multi-geometry shape is one-way road !

Paul Herber

I agree. However, it may suit some shapes.
Shapes that cannot be ungrouped could be a good idea, there are certainly many shapes that completely break when ungrouped. Allow them to be edited in group mode, but not ungrouped.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Hey Ken


    Although you can't hide the ungroup option, there is a possible Plan B: Lock the group. 

    To do that, on the grouped shape's shapesheet just set LockGroup to 1.  That way, if someone tries to ungroup it they get a popup telling them the shape is protected.  The only way to ungroup it would be to open the shapesheet and reset LockGroup to zero.  The option appears nowhere in the ribbon, giving you some measure of protection.

    But the best Plan A, in my opinion, would be to follow Paul's suggestion and make it multi-geometry.  No ungrouping possible.

    Good luck!

    - Ken

Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story


My purpose to group the shape permanently because some time user click in such a way that a backgroud object is selected and when user drag that object than background object appeared i want to remove this possibility by combining both objects into one. Is this doable in developer mode?

Paul Herber

It may be better to fix the root problem viz. the ability to select and move the background.
1. Have you looked at using background pages?
2. select the background shape and do Developer -> Open Shapesheet and in the Protection section set LockMoveX, LockMoveY and LockSelect.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


You can also limit the selection to "Group Only" so user cannot select the background shape. You can find this option in Developer-Behavior menu.


Thank you very much Paul and everyone for your solutions. What i did is as follows.

Select the background shape in group. When i do couple of clicks then background object selected and its moveable upon drag now.
in developer mode go to Behavior. I choose scale with group.
In protection section I checked X position and Y position

I can still able to select object hide behind my symbol but it cant move at all separately. Work is done here,

but still can any one give solution in steps . If i want to disable ability to select part of group object and only enable to select group as a whole how i can do that. Hope understand my question.


That is exactly what I described in my previous post. Select the group shape, go to Developer-Behavior, select Group Only for the selection option


Many Thanks really appreciate. Could you please also give solution for example. If I grouped two objects in developer mode and make it as single group. It should not be able to ungroup in user mode and can seen in user mode as single stencil or symbol. There must be someway in Visio developer mode. Please reply if any once has idea.


Quote from: Surrogate on November 02, 2017, 08:19:55 AM
It is impossible !
No way ! Via Home tab you can see these commands which you can apply to your group shape

Via shape's context menu availible these commands

Please look these videos. Hope it can help understand difference between group and combine commands ! 
Modify Group and Combine Shapes
Visio 2010 Shape Operations Tutorial

Paul Herber

Grouping is grouping is grouping. User mode or developer mode makes no difference, it is all the same thing.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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