
BB code in posts seems to be working again!
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Started by jeye, October 02, 2017, 06:16:35 PM

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I have a Shapesheet - User Defined Cell that calculates a value of either 0 or 1. If the value equals 1 then I want the next page to unhide and be printable. If the value equals 0 then I want the page to be hidden and unprintable.

Is this something that is doable? I've tried placing it on a layer that will leave the page blank but this of course leads to an ugly result.


Visio 2019 Pro


This hides the page but it is still printable. Is there a solution that hides and doesn't allow printing of the hidden page?


1. Press keys Shift+F5
2. Set this page as background page


This function works but is there a way to do this through shapesheet?


No, you can't change page setup setting via shapesheet !
Also you can set this page as background using VBA code
Application.ActivePage.Background = True
    Application.ActivePage.BackPage = ""


Thank you for the information  ;D


So this is what I've put together so far.

Whenever I change the value of the shape data within the ShapeSheet, it changes the UIVisibility within each page.

For Example

Prop.Row_1 has a value of 5
Pages 1 through 5 are visible

Would it be possible to run the macro using a DEPENDSON value per page as another value changes?

If so, how would I do that?


Add user-defined cell, and place there formula
After you change value of that property, it run macro for example named tst
(if you document contain this sub routine)


Thanks Surrogate. Is it possible to run an if statement within the macro?

I.e. IF Row_1.Value = 1 Then
Application.ActivePage.Background = True Else
Application.ActivePage.Background = False
End If

(Sorry, I'm new to ShapeSheets and Macros for Visio)  :'(


Quote from: jeye on October 04, 2017, 10:45:39 PM
Is it possible to run an if statement within the macro?
Of course !
Sub tst()
Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem
If shp.Cells("Prop.row_1").ResultIU = 1 Then
Application.ActivePage.Background = True
Application.ActivePage.Background = False
End If
End Sub


Also you can use CallThis function. This function can pass parameter to sub routine !
This way have two differences:
1. Add user-defined cell, and place there formula
2. Code of tst sub routine must contain shp parameter !!!
Sub tst(shp As Shape, vl As Integer)
If vl = 1 Then
Application.ActivePage.Background = True
Application.ActivePage.Background = False
End If
End Sub


For anyone looking to hide the page and make it not printable.

I created a shape with the shapesheet shape data of:

Prop.row_1, value = page #

I then put this macro into a module:

Sub tst1()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim VsApp As Object
Dim intCounter As Integer
Visio.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set shp = ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem

For intCounter = 1 To 12

If shp.Cells("prop.row_1").ResultIU >= intCounter Then
ActiveWindow.Page = ActiveDocument.Pages("Site" & intCounter)
Application.ActivePage.Background = False
ActiveWindow.Page = ActiveDocument.Pages("Site" & intCounter)
Application.ActivePage.Background = True

End If
ActiveWindow.Page = ActiveDocument.Pages("Page-1")
Application.ActivePage.Background = False
Visio.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Next intCounter
End Sub

I then Created as user.row_# with the following:

I then went into the Drawing Explorer, right clicked on the document and clicked view Shapesheet.

Created a user.row_# for each page (# replaced with page #)

I then went into each pages shapesheet and changed the UIVisibility to reference each user.row_#

These are the steps I used to hide the page and make it unprintable. Thanks everyone for their help.

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