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Rounded corners are changing my shape fills......Visio 2016

Started by pipster2709, February 27, 2018, 03:34:27 PM

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A wierd thing is happening to my visio diags, the fill of any shape on any drawing, old or new, has or is being altered, took me a bit of time to work out why but it looks like it is related to the addition of rounded corners.

I can use the out of the box standard shapes to create a simple rectangle, it will have a solid fill, the moment I add rounded corners it changes.

Infact the fill of anything I open that has rounded corners is rendered the same way, also drag a shape from a stencil, the moment it lands on a drawing the fill changes.

Was fine two weeks ago, I've not used Visio since....I'm racking my brains to see what has changed, only significant thing is a Windows update that I had been postponing for as long as I could.

Please see attachment for example, drawing was based on basic diagram shapes, it shows a few straight corner shapes and what happens when I change the corners to rounded....

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