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Hard Disk Shape?

Started by YossiD, March 18, 2009, 01:23:30 PM

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Anyone know where I can find a Visio shape of a hard disk drive showing platter and arm so it's easily identifiable as a hard drive? The hard disk drive shapes in Visio are more or less generic boxes, and they are not so useful for functional system diagrams.


Paul Herber

You can use any image (GIF etc) as a Visio shape, there are thousands available in a Google Image search

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have used such images in the past, but I prefer line drawings or true Visio shapes because they stay sharp when scaling their size and fill can be easily added or removed. Also, diagrams look inconsistent when one object is a graphic and all the rest are Visio shapes.

In addition, I have found that in Visio 2003 (the version I have) files get huge when inserting graphic images. I looked into this once and found other users reporting the same phenomenon with this version. Apparently it is a bug.



You can have a look on these websites:

They have a lot of free beautiful stencils (look more particularly visiocafe for computer related stencils..)

Hope it helps.

PS: if it's not enough, look on the other ressources websites of


You can down load an image, and place it on a background.  Then on the drawing page which has this background assigned, you can "trace" the image, creating your own Visio image.
Visio 2019 Pro


Here's a quick tracing of harddrive.  Feel free to modify and embellish.
Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

I knew WD wouldn't be able to resist... :)
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


I tried the same method as 'wapperdude' and this is my interpretation, so you can tailor the shape to your own needs


These are outstanding. I was planning to do something like this but you guys beat me to it. Where do you find the time?

Thanks all.

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