change the connection point distance from shape in general

Started by Jes82, June 19, 2017, 07:57:06 AM

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Hi there!

is it possible to change the distance of the connection points to the shapes in general for the whole custom shape library or for the whole template?
So I don´t have to edit every single shape and the four connection points manually? I have created a template with costum libraries and shapes.

I am using Viso Professional 2016 (german version).


Paul Herber

Connection points are just x,y coordinates relative to the shape, so there is no way a connection point can be moved in that manner.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


if you are up to it, you could do the following

- create a template
- in the page shapesheet, add a user cell (lets call it conn_dist_scale)...maybe an X and Y cells
- make your shapes with the connection be something like
    - connections_row<?> = 1mm + page!user_conn_dist * 1mm

So basically, with a lot of shapes on the page, you can change ALL distances by editing the page user cells.

This does mean you need to go back thru all your shapes to update the function.
(not pretty / its tedious....but its 1 option)

Paul Herber

Some will be + the distance, some will be - the distance, X and Y coordinates. Some will be + on one, - on the other. Some will not change at all, like those at the centre of a shape.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -




Paul...I understood that intent was to have this task at some global level (change all shapes the same way)

However, if each connector needs to change differently (distance and / or angle away from connection point) I don't really see how this could be done even with automate

some sort of excel spreadsheet for distances used for shape X vs shape Y???...possible seems like a lot of work

If its really more of "want to mess with each connector", then as Yacine pointed out, could do all kinds of things
at the per connector level.

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