Custom shape won't snap to line at connection point

Started by YossiD, June 15, 2017, 10:28:04 AM

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I have created a shape (supposed to look like a rugged flat screen) consisting of grouped elements that scale when resizing.

When I drag the shape to a line, it won't snap at the connection point. Then I ungrouped, disassembled, reassembled, and regrouped the shape and now it snaps ok. Both shapes are in the attached file.


I have looked at the shapesheets for the two shapes, including sub-elements, but could not find the difference.

Can someone explain this?

[Still] using Visio Pro 2003 (SP3) on WinXP (SP3).



Checked your file. Both "Screens" get snapped perfectly. Can't reproduce your problem. Is "gluing to connection points" activated?


Very strange.

Gluing to connection points is checked, and anyway shouldn't the setting affect all shapes on the page the same?

Has anyone else been able to reproduce the behavior I'm experiencing?


I can confirm your gluing issue.  I've seen this behavior before in V2007.  Never found a good solution.  Typically, the only thing that works was to rebuild the shape....and that wasn't 100% of the time.  Very unpredictable. My guess, for complex shapes, Visio gets confused and doesn't know which is the primary shape, even though there is a connection point.  The more complex the shape, i.e., a group with many subshapes, the more likely the problem will arise.

If you're only gluing the shape to a connector, then attaching the connector to the shape seems to work reliably.  But, gluing the shape to the connector, does not.


Visio 2019 Pro


Your groups have different number of shapes.
In Visio 2007, the group no longer glues when it contains 25 or more shapes.
In Visio 2010, this number is increased to 50.
Such topic was on the Russian forum


@Croc:  Can't say I've heard of that limit before.  The issue has come up from time to time.  A recent complaint here:  The reply was interesting because it contradicts this limit.

I tried to search for official MS comment on this problem, but no luck.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thanks everyone.

Wapperdude: I too have noticed that the connector will snap/glue to the shape but not the other way around. Often that's fine, but sometimes it's much more convenient to snap/glue the shape to the connector, if the connector is at the correct position and the shape is not. Adding guides and aligning the shape with them works fine, but it's not nearly as convenient.

Croc: Interesting about the different numbers of shapes in each group, since the one that snaps/glues ok was made from the one that does not, without adding or removing any elements. Can anyone explain how that can be?

Interesting that Yacine was unable to reproduce the issue but Wapperdude could. Which versions of Visio did each of you use?


Visio 2019 Pro

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