VSD Screentips stop working after exactly 10 minutes in Visio 2016

Started by Henke, June 05, 2017, 09:09:13 AM

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We are utilizing the Visio screentips /tootips /mouse over function on many objects in our drawings.
Recently we noticed a strange behavior that it seem to stop working after exactly 10 minutes.
Only a restart of Visio brings them back. No changes or edits were done to the VSD.
Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a solution or fix?

Have tested on two machines so far.
OS: Windows 10 (64) / Windows 7 (32)
Visio: 2016 32 and 64 bit

How to replicate:
I open a VSD (yes the old format) with screentips added to objects.
I hover with the mouse to see it gives me the text.
Wait and test hovering on an object every other minute, after 10 minutes it stops working.

Paul Herber

Might be worth saving in the more modern format, then seeing if that makes any difference. I doubt whether it will, but I might be wrong.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



I have tested plain VSD with the standard stencils and inserted Screentip = No problem after 10 minutes.

My VSD has macros and is also using a stencil with VBA.
That seems to make this break in Visio 2016.

A workaround I have found to work is that I to disable "Save AutoRecover information every XX minutes".
XX was set to 10  :)

Why this happens I still haven't figured out. It does not happen in Visio 2010.

Paul Herber

Sounds to me like internally various events are inhibited during auto-save but the screentip handler is not being restarted.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



I just found out that regardless of time or "auto save", it stops working when using "save". If I reopen the VSD after save it works again.
So there seems to be a bug in the save event in 2016..

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