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Creating tables in Visio 2016

Started by Bee5, May 12, 2017, 01:11:45 PM

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I have tried to insert a table onto my Visio flow diagram in three ways:
1. Tried to insert a table from Excel using "Paste Special". The text appeared as if it was converted to a lower resolution. It also kept the cell borders, even though I had no borders to start with
2. Tried to insert a table from Word in the same way as above. The text was once again lower resolution, but at least the cell borders weren't pulled through.
3. Tried to use the grid shape, but I don't know how to change that bright green colour.

Am I missing something? Surely the compatibility between three Office 2016 products should be seamless?
Please help,


Hi Bjanka,

Usually people use the first option ("Copy" in Excel, "Paste Special" in Visio, then select "paste as excel sheet"). If you had formatting in Excel, it should be taken into Visio.
Anyways, if it wasn't, then you should be able to remove "borders" by double-clicking the pasted table in Visio (that should "open" it) and changing it accordingly.
For the table not to be blury, you probably should set the size of your pasted table in Visio to be the same as it was in Excel.
It might be not like that by default, since excel table becomes a Visio shape (that can be resized).

With word probably you hit the same issue - the size.

The poisonous acid-green color of the "grid" shape.
You should be able to change the "bright green color" simply by selecting fill color on the top.

----- BTW (a bit related) ----

Awhile ago I've encountered a nice "Table" extension for Visio, created by @shishok (see screenshot):

It's good, but the thing is, it's in Russian with no translation :)
I have tried to add English translation after discussing with the author, but unfortunately failed miserably - it was too much for me.
Since it's open source, maybe someone could do it.

The lack of "Tables" tab in Visio is kind of annoying. You have that in Excel, in Word, but not in Visio.


Just updating this a bit. Microsoft has released all of their Visio templates that you can get for free. These templates work all the way up to 2016 (or maybe later on). I don't have the link on me but you can Google it using "Microsoft visio 2003 free stencils" and they should pop up. So just a FYI.

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